(these pictures formatted kind of small....I dont know why...)
The Harlem Rockets are a basketball team from...well....Harlem.. They are akin to the Harlem Globetrotters in the sense that they are "entertainment and showtime basketball." These guys--and this whole night--was a HOOT. Many of these Rockets are former Globetrotters (I guess being a Globetrotter is a TON of work and a HUGE commitment...and these guys have families now). They are all fantastic basketball players PLUS they are showmen.
The Winslow High School basketball booster's club held a fundraiser where the WHS "all stars" played the Harlem Rockets in a full game. This happened on the Friday after Thanksgiving. For some reason, they consider me an "all star." So they asked me. But perhaps "all star" is defined as "one who sucks at sports." Cuz I rule at that. At any rate, my former student Mel is a fantastic photographer who is gifted at capturing moments as they happen. She is like a writer. Only with a camera. And stuff. Since I am her favorite, she snapped lots of pics of me (haha). The first one--up above--I absolutely LOVE....Callum giving me a kiss for good luck before the second half....
Look at this jump shot.....I gots skillz!!!

yo playa-hata....this is MY house....give me that ball, fool!

I wonder if you can guess how this shot went for me.......

Obviously, there was some trash talking.....and I may have asked some of the Rockets (on several occasions) if they wanted a piece of "dis." To which they replied, "no....I'm trying to cut down on my saturated fats...."

Friend, running partner, and fellow class advisor Lori and I had a great time. I've often mentioned Lori (and her husband Trevor) on here...but here, finally, is what she looks like....

Racking them up, and knocking them down. Straight up hip-hop style, like

Surprisingly, Callum absolutely was ENTHRALLED with this whole shindig. He really, really loves basketball. And he loved the Rockets because they were hilarious. And he really loved watching me play. He is constantly asking now to go to my school to watch me play basketball again. And when Amanda and Callum brought me coffee from Hillman's the other day, he was puzzled as to why I was wearing a shirt and tie...and not a tank top. Yes Callum. I play basketball for a living. Wouldnt that be something....
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