Born: 12/12/10
8 pounds 11 ounces
21 inches long
It was Sunday morning when I was at church teaching Sunday the middle of talking about the birth of John the Baptist and how it corresponds to the birth of the Christ Child--in the book of Luke--I suddenly heard the phone in the church office ring. "Who calls a church on Sunday morning?" I asked myself. I just followed my intuition, went upstairs, called Amanda back, and sure enough it was what I thought: Her water had broken, and she was trying to get ahold of me....I sped home, and off to the hothible (Callumish for HOSPITAL) we went. Amanda's labor was difficult with Maira; it was a completely different experience than Callum. Her contractions were intense, but she still did the whole thing without ANY drugs. At all. But when Maira decided to come, she made her entrance QUICKLY! In fact, the doctor who was supposed to deliver her (midwifes are not on call on weekends) didnt make it to the hospital. Maira was delivered by the two nurses and the resident intern, Dr Wardwell. No matter though. She came out crying and screaming, just like she was supposed to. It was a cold day on Sunday morning, and the day led way to a warm air mass that brought, later that afternoon and night (and the next day or so) 2.78 inches of rain. It sucked. Why couldnt it be snow? It was for the rest of the country, it seemed. Throughout the intense portions of Amanda's contractions, the Patriots tore up on the Chicago Bears at Soldier's Field. I am writing this so I can remember this ten years down the road when I look at this blog and reminisce. I teased Amanda about not being able to watch the most classic football scenario ever: A Pats game. It December. At Soldier's field (only to be outdone at Lambeau). In a snowstorm. Where the Pats dominated. Maybe Maira needs a Bears doll or something.....
Literally SECONDS after Maira graced us with her presence....before any of the mucous or yucky birth crap (for lack of a beter word or phrase) was washed off, Amanda wanted to do the all important "skin to skin" time with Maira. This is supposed to be the first chance for mother and baby to bond.....this was also the first photo ever taken of Ms. Maira.

It was a great day... I am looking forward to learning how to be our new family of four! Callum is doing a great job with his new baby sister. I think they do look alike. Maira looks a lot like Callu in the picture of his 1st visit with Santa when he was 6 months old.
Congratulations, everyone!
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