Not a Willard, like Callum. And being a Goldsmith is a good thing. I need someone on MY side. So, therefore, I give Maira the thumbs up.....

Maira will eat anything. Amanda and Lynne are two of the pickiest eaters I know (haha). Callum doesnt eat much. He is a Willard. Maira is a Goldsmith. Maira is big like a Goldsmith. Callum is small, like a Willard. Maira is also wicked high maintenance, like a Goldsmith. YOu cannot leave her alone for even a minute...she hates it. Callum is wicked mellow, like a Willard. Very easygoing. Maira looks like my dad, I think. Also, Maira is never sick, like a Willard. Goldsmiths are never sick. Finally, Maira is not affectionate at all....she will not cuddle or snuggle. Just like a Goldsmith. Very cold Irish blood. Maira is a Goldsmith.
I think Maira looks JUST like her Auntie KK in this picture. Does anyone else think so?
Maira loves the drums....

She's had a BIG week and a half. First of all, she is eating ALL SORTS of new foods--basically ANYTHING!! With Callum, we used the food mill to grind stuff up....with Maira, we just kind of chunk it and throw it at her and she's good. Even with only those two bottom teeth. She manages to fight through the adversity. She's a Goldsmith. She loves hot dogs, eggs, pizza, cheese, and more. But I think her favorite food has to be Pepperidge Farm Goldsmith. Just imagine what she will be like when she DOES have teeth? (Prime rib on a bone, anyone?)

ALSO, Maira's vocabulary has EXPLODED over the past couple of weeks....for the longest time she was saying a primitive form of KITTY (KIYYYYY!!!!) and DADA. And that was it. But now she is trying to repeat just about everything she can....and it is so funny! Last night we went to Yellow Beans (LL Bean, but CS calls it YELLOW Bean....) and I took Callum to the bathroom. When I came back, Maira, sitting in her stroller, smiles at me and just says HI! She had never said hi before, and it was just wonderful. Now she says HI to everything!! She tries to say THANK YOU, and it is really funny as well. And she looks at things and asks THIS? Just a few days ago, she started to wave at people, and she loves putting both arms over her head and saying YEAY!! in celebration--most of the time she is celebrating nothing but that fact that she is just sitting there....and this makes it all the better....
Here's Callum at Mee Mee and Grampy's today. Kid looks like a freakin homeless person. WILL. NOT. WEAR. JEANS. (we make him though). All he wants are his "comfy pyants." See how he has his little "set up" at Mee Mee's? Thomas DVD? Check. Comfy Pants? Check. His 'mee mee' toys thrown around the living room? Check. Showing MeeMee his new tie dye cool as a moose shirt? Check.
Okay, most of the Goldsmith/Willard things are correct. Except for...
a. I know a lot of people who are "on your side" - you just don't think they are because you think everyone is out to get you for some unknown reason.
b. You, Mr. Goldsmith, get really sick at least once a year. I can prove this.
c. Maira cuddles with me. But mostly just after she's done nursing and she's asleep already...
She loves to say 'hi'! I think she is smart, just like Callum.
Um, ya I agree with Ortiz on this one.
and by the way guess who WOULD NEVER wear jeans, you guessed it, Callum's Daddy, had to always have elastic comfy pants.
And Maria does look like Auntie KK so thats a good thing too.
And you should be happy tht your children are two different individuals.... thats what makes life interetsting, if everyone was the same it would be BORING....
Go back to your meanderings sir....
wah wah
LOVE the 2 teeth...
Callum doesn't like to wear jans like his daddy didn't.
does anyone else remember Jared in his gray sweat pants with his red suspenders.!!!!!!!!!!
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