Oh my goodness....where to start....a really great weekend with fantastic weather to boot (record setting temps on Sunday at 85 degrees....that sucked, but the tourists liked it!). My mom wanted to celebrate fall by getting all the family together to spend Columbus day weekend at a condo at Attitash...the plan was to hang out, go to the attractions, eat good food, and drink lots of Pumpkinhead (well, for Anthony and I anyway). Callum. Had. A. Blast. He went on rides, stretched his comfort circle, smiled and laughed all day (mostly), and had a blast playing with his cousin Jackson. This, even though he is actually kind of sick right now, with some crazy head cold thing going on. Same with MairaBeth, who, despite being sick, had a great time seeing everyone.
Here are Anthony, Jackson, Joanne, Nannie, and Kristin driving the cars early Sunday morning at storyland. Callum did not want to go on--he was kind of in a timid mood on Sunday morning, mostly because he knew a lifesized Clifford would be there....and, although he looked forward to it for months, he got really freaked out when the big red down started strutting across the park....

A random guy squeezed my butt as he walked by (which happens to me a lot actually), and it turned out to be my friend Steve--Steve was JohnnyCrockett's roommate at UVM, and I got to know him well that way. Great guy and great times. Also, my mom automatically loves him because he is O.F.D. like her (Originally From Dorchester....). What a small world!

While the old people and kids and Amanda had lunch, Anthony and I braved the lines to do the Polar Coaster! I am sure two grown men waiting in line for a roller coaster in a kid's park didnt look weird....

Unequivocally, Callum's favorite ride/attraction of the whole weekend was the antique German carousel at Storyland. He went on it--literally--five times in a row. Each time he picked a different color horse. It broke my heart to tell him he we had to leave. The kid just shined on the darn thing....
ALso, notice his reindeer carefully stowed in the strap with him. He used some "souvenir money"he had to buy both himself and his sister a reindeer at Santa's Village. Since Saturday, he has rarely been more than 14 inches away from "James/Rudolph/Thomas" the reindeer....

Upbob was a champ--despite his health issues he went on rides, walked around the park with everyone, sat in a Callum-imposed time out, got in some Maira-time, and even managed to smoke me in a good game of cribbage (while everyone else played on their iPads, Upbob and I went oldskool!)

(the way I uploaded these pics presents them 'backwards' chronologically for some reason, so these are S.V. pics from the day before)
Callum was timid of the reindeer merrygoround at first, but after seeing Jackson brave a deer, he decided to get on too. NOTE: Callum, much like his mom, MeeMee, and BaBa is ALWAYS cold (even when it is 80) and ALWAYS wants to be wearing a 'cozy' (in his words) sweatshirt. Cool.

Santa's sky-sleigh--a really neat ride that took us above and through the whole park. Poor Amanda...she took all the pictures and is never in any! And poor Maira-you can tell she doesnt really feel well.....
I just want to point out how happy I look though...because I was! Being there with my wife and two kids was just awesome. And getting to spend some time with the Favrys, Joanne, my mom, and Bob just added to the fun. Already, on the ride home, the Goldsmiths were planning our next visit to Santa's Village (we liked SV better than StoryLand).

This one is so cool! Callum and Amanda went on the REAL ferris wheel together! Amanda HATES Ferris Wheels, and I was going to go on too....but after waiting in line for 25 minutes, I had to pee, and thus I missed my turn. Oh well. Amanda said she had sweaty palms the whole time....Callum just beamed from ear to ear....blow up this pic to see it better!

Lots of great cousin-time for the boys. Jackson absolutely LOVES Callum (and the feeling is mutual) and copies just about everything that Callum does. It is very cute. Can you believe Callum is ten months older than Jackson? Even though Callum looks pissed, he was having a great time! He just hates getting his pic taken....

At the end of the day--when the kids were in great moods (haha) we took some family pictures. This one came out pretty good--my mom, bob, and 'the kids.' I will try to post a 'round two' of this great weekend....I know Amanda is posting on FB, and Anthony also took a TON of pictures!
"Roller coaster....oooo...roller coaster." How could you forget Octoberfest and the women keg throwing contest???
oh dont worry....part 2 is coming soon.....haha
Be nice if Nannie could get one photo foe herself Maybe the group one. Hmmmmmmmmmmm
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