We are back....for the time being. I really hate our new computer. I really hate our Internet service. It is all very frustrating. I dont have time to learn a new trendy piece of crap technology that will change in a year anyway...I dont have the patience for it. I am too busy doing other stuff. But, at any rate, I do want to post our family blog and have people see our kids and our lives, so I am in a Catch 22. But I am ready to throw this Dell away. Also, we had no Internet for the past two weeks, and we are KIND OF back...but, chances are, I'll get dropped from connection as I write this. Above, see Maira in her sled. I WOULD write this BEFORE the picture, like I used to be able to on my Mac...but, like I said, this Dell sucks.
In the next few posts, I will try to catch up on some of the pictures that we've been taking over the past couple of weeks. These ones entail Callum and Maira in the snow, and there is one of Callum and Maira building a huge train layoutey thingy. So yeah. Here they are.



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