The picture below is the first one that comes up when I do the same search for HENRY GOLDSMITH. Fun!

And here's Henry Goldsmith today....

The Goldsmiths are going on two weeks now with no Internet at home....we hope to get the problem remedied soon....but, for now, I thought I could blog during my free period at school, and catch up on some meanderings.....
1. "Estates" is the great ambiguously mysterious word of the 'real estate' world. You can never tell, if a housing 'neighborhood' is called "Estates," whether it is an ultra posh, 1%, totally rich and pretentious housing development, OR, whether it is a total ghetto slum. Indeed, "estates" walks both sides of the line pretty well; the great class-breaker of our time. The word means both! How cute.
2. Consider the 'punter' in football. Such an unglamorous position--not only in sports, but also in jobs in general. The ONLY time you are useful is if your team sucks and is failing at their objective at getting first downs/succeeding. Has there ever even been a punter that anyone has ever even heard of? Tony Franklin, but only cuz he had the whole "barefoot" gimmick going for him. And, there is Tony Meola, who was only popular cuz he had long hair and was a pro soccer player too. He played for the Jyets, right? As a punter, no one is ever happy to see you, because seeing you just means your team is lame, and they are inherently in a bad mood. They are the 'tax collectors' of our time. And such wusses too--the always fall down if a defender so much as 'brushes' them; they do this in a shameless attempt to score a penalty....which is all they really have offer to their team. Or, heaven forbid they have to TACKLE someone? Forget it. Punters are the redheaded stepchildren of football.
3. I have had my ideas for two great web sites (twoguysonamoped.com and thingsamanshouldneversay.com). Here's another one: chickennuggetsculpures.com. Basically, I run a web site where I get stupid McDonalds eating fattys to buy 2 or 3 twenty-piece boxes of nuggets, loiter around the dining room of McDonalds (while they wait for their magic the gathering group to start) and make sculptures and designs out of chicken nuggets and tooth picks. I post them in a gallery. This fad would catch on for a week or two and then get lame, but I would have already made my money....
4. There is nothing more inherently American than FLIP FLOPS with BOTTLE OPENERS on the soles. Disgusting..................
5. Something genetically wired into women's brains: The necessity of females to at least CHECK OUT (if not patronize) any 'new store' going up/going in within 20 minutes of said women's home. Women NEED to be aware of and check out new stores...they NEED to be in-the-know and informed. They hope it is a clothing or candle store, but they'll still do their duty whether it is a pet shop, calendar club, supermarket, or school supply center. The draw the line, however, at hardware stores. Unless the hardware store sells candles Like our Agway does.
1 comment:
How the hell are flippy floppies with bottle openers underneath "disgusting"?
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