Thursday, January 13, 2011

Timmy is stupid

He just is. He's an artist he says.

Well, we got tons of snow with our second 'big' storm of the year. It was a great storm! Before I get into that, let me tell you why technology isnt as great as everyone says it is
1. The dummy meteorologists in Maine kept saying how the "computer models" were saying this storm would barely graze us. They even used words like "this is a non-issue" and "it is no big deal whatsoever," etc. Well guess what? Your computers are stupid. Cuz we got dumped on. Amen. In fact, the headline of today's paper read: "SURPRISE: HUGE STORM CATCHES MAINE OFF GUARD. Well, guess what? I knew it all along. I. was. on. guard.
2. We have this "amazing" new technology at school where we have an autodialer system that replaces the old phone trees of people calling people when there is a snowday. This amazing autodialer calls everyone at once. Naturally, this is so much easier. And, naturally, the system always works. Right? Get where I am going? Let's just say that SEVERAL teachers and students ended up at WHS yesterday not knowing that, although the supt. had cancelled school at 5:08 in the morning, he failed to use the technology correctly. Thus, no one got a call. I found out on Facebook.

Amanda was great yesterday: I sprained my foot pretty badly and yesterday was a great day for me to ice, elevate, compress, and rest my injury. I could not shovel, and Amanda rose to the occasion. She said she had a great time, actually.

Amanda made pandacakes and eggs and we had a good family breakfast, before we started watching episodes of Little Einsteins and segments of Aristocats. Callum, regularly, pulls the zipper of his pajamas down so he can do "Callum belly" and rub his stomach. He likes this. And stuff. Also, I look OLD.
We did puzzles, played Thomas the Train table (running jobs, having Sir Tophamhat chasing an ice cream truck around Sodor, etc), and hunkered down with his "I Spy" board game. Also, we read tons of books while I worked on healing my foot. Callum unequivocally favorite book continues to be the Charlie Brown Christmas book Nannie and Upbob got him, and he read to me. Also on the couch is a collection of Disney stories about "friendship" (containing, of course, one about the Aristocats). Obviously, that was in the rotation. Callum has just received SO MANY gorgeous children's books. I love them! And so does he. I'll have to do a blog about them sometime. Also, we need to take more pictures. Dont we?


Mee Mee Lynne said...

Good blog, Jared. I love the pictures especially the one with you and Callum, and Maira. I love how Maira is looking up at you with adoring eyes! Did someone say "daddy's little girl"??
I'm sorry Tim is stupid. Do you think that it is just your opinion? If he is an artist, which you never told us, ask him if he knows about Zen Tangles?!

ORTIZ said...


jared said...

ortiz, come up here and live in maine....when it snows you can sit by our stove....amanda will serve you little snyacks and crudites....then you can have cabin fever and play puzzles

Lynne Lover said...

Do any of your stupid teachers watch television? You see, starting back in oh, I don't know, forever, television stations will post school cancelations and delays.
Nice job. No wonder Maine is stupid.

Nice picture of yous and the kids. even. Carrum rooks like yous too.