This past weekend was "Dirty Weekend" winter edition....we usually do DW up here in the summer (except last summer), but in the wintertime,for the past three years now anyway, I make a little sojourn down to Mass to hang out with Tim and Jay, buddies I have had since kindergarten (and then 5th grade, when Tim came over on a dory from Greece). We heavily miss our beloved Rev. Johnny Francis, but we make sure to Skype him into our nights. One would think that we all just get together and party hard like rockstars. Nothing could be farther from the truth: All we do is eat and make fun of each other.....and some of those things hyappen simultaneously while we sit in Jay's hot tub.
This DWWE was no different--Friday night was spent at Tim's, where we hit up a great Mexican restaurant in my hometown of Easton. On Saturday morning, Timmy and I went running around some neighborhoods of Brockton "the City of Champions" while Jay went to JJ's TBall ESPY awards. What always gets me about these visits is how much stuff changes in my old "stomping grounds;" things and places I once viewed as so familiar and stationary in my life as a kid and adolescent are so different now. Even the house in which I grew up looks NOTHING like the house in which I grew up. There are developments everywhere. Places that were all woods are not sprawling plazas, etc. It is amazing.
On Saturday night, after our traditional gluttonous pilgrimage to Imperial Garden Buffet, we enjoyed an amazing evening of dancing. Yes, dancing. Fifties Lounge, baby!! Jay, who usually hypes up the white pages (zing!) was right on target with this place: FIFTIES LOUNGE!!! It is what the name suggests: a 50's lounge. I guess you could call it a bar....but to me it was more like a dance club that ALSO sold drinks. DJs spin records and discs in the back of a modified 57 Chevy. I danced my socks off. In the interest of full disclosure, I need to come clean about something (I told Amanda this too): I met an AMAZING woman named Marylin. She swept me off my feet--literally--and we danced all night. Conversation was great. Amazing dancer.
Also, she was 79.
FIFTIES LOUNGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You were in the area all weekend,
close to my home
and never called us or stopped by for a visit. NICE, yup, REAL NICE!
Oh did I tell you I was going to Freeport for a weekend, I will let you know after the fact how it was.
"OH MY STARS"!!!!!!!!!!
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