Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day 2012

No....I'm not going to tell you what you shoud vote for or how you should vote. I dont do that kind of stuff anymore. I dont really even make my beliefs that "known," since, when I do, people usually hayte (with a Y of course) on me. And I have enough people hayting me....I dont need any others....

But today was kind of cool because during fourth block (the final block of the day) I went over to the Winslow polling place (the VFW...where prom was last year) with my college prep English class. Because so many of them are in Mike Thurston's government class, Mike invited me to go over with HIS block 4 class....we joined forces, took a bus over, and watched as kids both registered and voted for the first time. Those who were NOT of age (or NOT of Winslow) waited with me on the other side of the "velvet rope" and watched as the "new adults" voted. It was really neat to be there to see kids vote for the first time--the pride and excitement on their faces was palpable....

We then went back to the school and had a "voter's reception" in Mike's room....his students made cakes and sandwiches and foods and we had drinks and watched SNL "debate" clips on Mike's new classroom TV...very cool and funny stuff. Sometimes it is really neat to "abandon" your normal plan and do something out of the ordinary that, nonetheless, has amazing educational value! And it was cool to hang out with the kids and talk about voting, presidential history, the electoral college, and more....

Here are some pictures of Callum and the "horse" I (or we) made together last Saturday...a yard stick, some cardboard for a face, and some curly paper for a tail....and then there is Maira, who loves loves loves to color (on Grenda's wall....on our door....oh her high chair tray....on the floor....and sometimes on paper) coloring the Thanksgiving card Mee Mee and Grampy sent her....

1 comment:

MeeMee said...

Hi Callum!
I LOVE your horse!! I used to have a horse like that a long time ago. What is your horse's name? Can I take a ride on him when I come to your house? I'll see you soon. Give Maira a hug and kiss from me, ok?
Love, Mee Mee