Thursday, July 17, 2014

BUD/S Class 614

Callum began the first step in his career as a Navy SEAL at an intensive 'swim camp' kind of thing...I had mentioned this before on here, but I had not gotten around to posting pictures. Today was his final day of lessons, and he was almost in tears at bedtime tonight because it was all over and he is really going to miss all his new friends (he made lots of friends). He LOVES swimming lessons and asked if he could keep going; this is SUCH a change from this shy/petrifiedofwater kid I used to know....he has overcome SO MUCH in the past couple of weeks, and proud doesnt even begin to scratch the surface of how I feel. In the life of Callum Stuart (and if you know him you will agree) this is huge news! 

Whether it is in swimming lessons, tee ball, school, church, etc, it doesnt matter: Callum LOVES following directions, getting in line, walking with his 'class' places, etc. He loves order and organization. Hmm...who is his dad again?? 

Here he is at the start of lessons peeking at us in the 'secret room' where the parents sit--parents arent allowed in the pool area....

Each practice follows pretty much the same formula: Practice kicks, go under water, practice backstrokes, go underwater DEEPLY, go to the deep end and do some sweet jumps, swim back, play for the last few minutes. At the beginning of the week, Callum was VERY nervous to jump in, and his 'jump' entailed 'stepping' into the pool while holding the hand of his teacher. Now he jumps with no prob-bob!

You can really tell the powerlifting he has been doing is paying off dividends....

Getting assistance from his teacher while he 'swims' across the pool. At no point during the two weeks were they allowed to use any float thingies should be pointed out that Callum SMILED for virtually the entirety of every matter WHAT he was doing. It was actually pretty special; I have rarely seen him get into something so much.....he is very independent with the way he handles his lessons in the pool....

One happy kid!

Drowproofing...just like Indoc Week at BUD/S.....

The class was actually part of the "Michael Phelps" foundation thingamajig...he got a fancy certificate and on the back was a 'rubric' of all the stufff he did/accomplished during his two weeks. I thought cuz it was the Michael Phelps foundation that he'd get some weed too, but he didnt....

And here are two goofballs a couple of weeks ago at the cabin in Whiting....I have blogged about that week, but have yet to post pics!! Sorry. Coming up!!!

1 comment:

MeeMee said...

Great Job, Callum!!!

We love watching you swim and run. Keep up the good work! Maybe some day you can teach MeeMee to swim!

We love you and are vey proud of you!

Love, MeeMee and Grampy xxxooo