Sunday, August 10, 2014

Listening to the radio....

I've been listening to the radio a lot this week....with the exception of having the tv on when I watched a movie the other night, I dont think I have had it on once since everyone left. I (and Amanda is this way too) am just a huge radio person....and I dont even mean 'pandora' or playlists or spotify.... I mean actual, real, what they call 'surface' radio. I love it. Mostly NPR is on all the time--especially on the weekend when you dont have to listen to all the news stuff exclusively and they have great programs like WorldCafe and PraireHomeCompanion, etc. Today, Sunday, for example, it has been on virtually all day....

I feel like I grew up around 'radio people' and it was passed on to me somehow. I have such vivid memories of going someplace very early in the morning--to work with him in Boston...deep sea fishing where we had to get an early start...--and listening to the famous WBZ Radio 1030 hosted by the legendary Dave Maynard; my dad ALWAYS had this on. And, I remember very well sleeping over my Nana Courtney's house; Nana was always an extremely early riser (you had to get up early to start the SANKA, right??) and she would listen to WHDH (which I dont think exists any longer) and the Claprood and Whitley program. And then there was my mom always listening to Loren and Wally on WVBF/WKLB/WROR as they bounced around from station in the has just always been alive in my life, and I prefer it to TV any day, any time. In fact, later, if I can pickles, I will probably listen to a podcast of TheNewsFromLakeWobegone with Garrison Keillor OR the great music on Blue Hill Community Radio WERU--which, if you live in Maine, and have not streamed on your computer or phone thingy, you are sorely missing out on probably the best music in Maine!

Amanda keeps texting me pictures of all the fun she and the kids are having. But, being a techMoron--and having a very frustrating android--I cannot figure out how to get those pics into my photo gallery and thus onto my computer. Hopefully she can send them to me so I can post them on here. But they are having a blast...riding bikes, driving in Aunt June's latest convertible, going to the shore, and more!

Here is what has been up lately.....

The day before they left we went to breakfast at 'our place' TheFlatlanda....we love it...and, in homage to our beloved friend Jawn, we had our picture taken by the license plate that bears both his state and his status in life.....

I went out to Maineley Brews to watch some of the Pats preseason last Thursday and then I went over to TheLastUnicorn, the restaurant our friends Fred and Amy own, so I could have a beer and say hi. Amy, below, was bartending, and Sasha was waitressing....always great to see friends...

We decided to give the breezeway a little used to be white, but we painted it green (PineGreen, to be exact). It gives the house some pop as they say.....but I put the second coat on when it finally stopped raining, and here is the front......

and here is the back....and, if you look really hard, you can see Lupine curled up in the green Adirondack chair....

 And, finally, I had a stupendous day the other day hanging out with my buddy Tom--and then his whole family back at his place. I will write more about this next time....but here is just a quick picture of a wonderful section of the Kennebec we paddled that morning....

1 comment:

Ortiz said...

You forgot about the pat Whitley show.