This is NOT Amanda . . . .yet

Adventure filled stories from smalltown Maine, starring Jared, Amanda, Callum, and MAIRA!!!
Thomas and his cousin Chelsea are the best of friends; anyone would agree. But Chelsea is quite the playful creature (she really is still a puppy) and Thomas is more of an older, more cultured, more cosmopolitan type of genteel. They love to nap and sniff and eat and beg for the same foods, but sometimes, Thomas just needs his "alone time" so he can catch up on his reading or his Masterpiece Theater. So, naturally, he defends himself. The twist is that Chelsea thinks this is Thomas "playing" (which he very may be . . .I mean, who can really understand animals, right?). So, Chelsea fights right back, thinking it is part of the game. Its really funny when Chelsea, inspired by her cousin Thomas, begins to think she, too, is a cat, and "swipes" at Thomas with her paws. Funny stuff.
Thomas has no front claws. No animals were harmed in the making of this movie.
After, the two made up, and Thomas even "groomed" Chelsea a little bit, licking her paws for her, etc.
It was great so see everyone we dont usually get to see. The ladies and Richie enjoyed dinner at one table, and I came over to ask them if anything was okay. Get it?
The men, surprisingly enough, sat in front of the TV to watch the game while they ate. Sally and I sat at the kids table with Kelly, Tina, Kevin, my dad, and Justin for 34 seconds. One other Thanksgiving tradition is the yearly playing of the game TABOO with Ortiz. He is a magician at the game, in the truest sense of the word, giving clues like "movie stars" and "WHAT??? WHAT???" for phrases like "breast implants." Also, he is rhetorical genius, supplying golden hints like "plants!" and " MAKE IT MAKE IT!!!" for "soil." Last night's hit, of course, was the clue (the only clue) he gave for "Whitney Houston." If I remember correctly, it was "okay . . .she is married to that black jerk from Dorchester." I can't believe I didnt get the answer Dad!
I hope everyone had a terrific day, and we'll be on location more. Look soon for a fresh new video of the cousins fighting each other!!!