So the Christmas season is definitely upon us. Already. CRAP-M (what I call XM) radio is playing its 6 or so Christmas stations already. And a couple of stations in Maine are playing all Christmas music all the time. Jeez . . .we only have a couple of radio stations in Maine anyway!
Applebees is advertising their gift cards for holiday presents, and QVC has been in Christmas mode since about late August.
What does it all mean?
More rain is supposed to reach us by tomorrow. That's good by me.
I had a chiropractor appointment after school today--it feels so good to get adjusted and aligned. Some might say that Chiropractors are quacks and not real doctors and that the only way they make their money is by constantly having you back to see them and get readjusted. I disagree with those statements. I love the fact that it is so un-invasive and natural. Furthermore, I am a fan of how there are no drugs involved (I've had enough drugs inside me, thank you). I buy into the idea of the body's ability to heal itself naturally without the help of drugs. True, chiros might have you back constantly to get adjusted, but how is that any different than the doctor having you "go back constantly" to the pharmacy to get a prescription refilled.
Please dont get me wrong: I love doctors (and PA's Fuzzy). They are miracle workers and deserve every cent they get paid. I love the doctor Sally and I have now, and all my Oncologists were amazing. Its the drug companies I am afraid of. And its just that I like to have options, other than the "traditional route," when it comes to my own body.
I'm gonna go have a beer.
Hey! I saw your BIL at jury duty today! Last week I had a massage from a massage therapast and a mini ionic cleanse. Google about it, it's pretty interesting and way not invasive. I can get you my person's number if you want-leave me an email. Your MIL has my email if you don't get it with the comment.
So, Ja Ja, just what is it about my Christmas music you're not liking any more?
I'm making my lists and really should know before I decide what exactly to put on yours.
Drop me a note, OK?
Your guy at the North Pole
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