Grady Little, the unfairly fired Red Sox manager, used to refer to "making due" with what you had as "making chicken salad." Today was one of those days. Two things were supposed to happen today: we were supposed to get our portrait done at Sears this morning (along with Lynne, George, and Jon) but Lynne had a severe migraine, so we did not. Second, we were supposed to go meet the "zoo" (amanda's family from New Jersey--who came up today to stay for Thanksgiving) this afternoon in Readfield. But we didnt; Amanda has been horrendously sick for a couple of days, unable to keep even things like WATER down in her system. Why, just today, she threw up eleven times, and has suffered some dehydration problems. She has just recently gone to bed, and I am going to join her right after i finish this blog.
So, today was a chicken salad day. I had a lot more free time than I thought. I did the recycling, bought some fresh beer (Oak Pond Brewery in Skowhegan, and Thunder Hole Ale from Atlantic Brewing company), swung over to Agway, mulched the pear and maple trees for the winter, brought in a TON of firewood into the garage, and went to buy Amanda a "Wandering Jew" houseplant since she wasnt feeling well--right now it is hanging in Thomases room.
Today I helped Michelle and Chris (along with some of her family) move from their apartment in Winslow to "the Lilac Cottage" in Benton--a beautiful old cape on 100 acres, right across from the "Eames Farm," which is one of my favorite farms in the area. I have a very strict ordinance about ALWAYS helping people move when they ask for help--so many people have helped us in the past, and I think it is good karma to "pay it forward." Let's face it--moving just sucks, and the more support you can offer someone, the better.
Tonight was spent making Lentil Soup with apple chicken sausage, sampling some delicious beer, feeding a hungry wood stove for a chilled wife, and holding Amanda's hair back as she made "street-pizza" in the toilet. I also did a little rehearsal for my concert which is coming up on the 30th (in a week or so). Tomorrow was supposed to be Amanda's concert with the Augusta symphony (she was playing some real heavy Shostakovitch piece) but, with her being sick and all, she has decided to forgo that. I think its for the best. So, tomorrow will be a day to sleep in--or at least until Thomas wakes us up with an ear-drum piercing meow!!
Sorry to hear that Amanda is so ill. Your lentil soup may be just the ticket.
I hope Amanda feels better.
Now Jared, I don't think you helped US move...funny...hmmmmm I remeber being the ONLY one helping you move to Rochester, you made me wash the floor on my hands and knees. I had to drive next to you in the U-Haul while you swore a lot. It was fun.
Hope you feel better Amanda!
Thunder Hole!? Holy crap that's funny.
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