Did you ever just have one of those days where you started in a bad mood and then things just exacerbated themselves throughout the day? Today was one of those days. I think it all started because I didnt sleep a wink last night. Plus I was sick for the last half of the Thanksgiving vacation.
1. I am overdue for an inspection sticker (January was when I was due). My luck finally ran out as I got pulled over last Tuesday on my way to school. The problem is that I cannot get my sticker because the ABS light in my truck is on. This light refers to the anti lock brakes, but there is nothing wrong with my brakes--its a computer error in my "operating system" or whatever. What kills me is that some cars dont even have anti lock brakes to begin with, and they drive around and can get inspection stickers with no problem. But because I have those brakes, I have to be penalized.
2. I'm tired of all English classes being so damn big . . .classes of 25 students, while other "upper level" disciplines have like 9 or 10 kids. What kills me is how we spend millions of dollars on a renovation, and, for some reason, I cannot find a computer lab to take my students--two of the "labs" are actual classes, and the library is full with study hall kids. The portable carts only have 16 computers . . .this helps me out when I have a class of 25. Then I get ridiculous comments like "well the cart only has 16 computers . . .how did you end of with 25 students??" And they chuckle. Only its not funny because its been this way for me every year
3. Marie Osmond needs to get on that plane with Rosie ODonnell, Rachel Ray, and Oprah, and fly into the sun and quit bothering people. Amanda is watching DANCING WITH THE IDIOTS right now, and she is SO BAD. All plastic surgery, fake, annoying, and she cannot take criticism . . .she tells all the judges they are wrong. I know all this . . .does this mean I watch the show?? hmmm . . . .
4. Its raining, and its that annoying rain that just annoys you as you walk around in it. So why am I walking around in it?
5. I went to the dentist, and although I like my dentist (she is a UNH alum after all) I have to get teeth extracted and I have a cavity. So I have that to look forward to.
6. We ate dinner at Subway tonight, and the people who worked at this one were idiots. Two kids worked their butts off (albeit wicked slow) while the "manager" was on the phone with "corporate," ignoring the needs of the customer. They needed to know how many roast beefs they had sold, so they could do some fancy friggin spreadsheet
7. I dont like my pants
8. I think thats it. Sorry to piss and moan. Its kind of a snowball effect thing. Ya know? I'll no doubt get some comment from "the makers of mydol" or something like that. Thats cool. Pour it on.
By the way . . . .Michelle, Steve, June, et al . . . .I didnt catch the game . . . .did the Eagles beat the Patriots?? I cant remember . . .can you tell me??
he he he
At least you've never had cancer.
Hahaha...the Patriots did win, Jared, and I'm sorry you were having a crummy day. I had one today, too, until I got home and did some yardwork. Take a look at my blog and check it out. Amanda - I hope you're feeling better. I can't wait to have you over to check out the new place! Take care of yourself...and get some sleep, Jared!
Sorry to disappoint you Jared but I could care less if the Patriots beat the Eagles. I'm not an Eagles fan like Steve, Keith & Aunt June. But just to get another dig into you on your bad day, the Eagles ALMOST beat the Patriots. Close but no cigar.
Hope your day is better today!
Give our love to Panda and Thomas!
I don't get why you watch shows that you say suck? I bet you watched the whole episode didn't you??
I think Anthony and I's wedding dance was better then all of them last night. The osborne lady will win, watch.
Do you not like your pants cause they are wet from walking in the rain?
I can't believe you complain so much, having such a great life. Try living with RLS, you creep.
Cha Cha says
You always were in LOVE with Marie Osmond so why are you pissed off with her now.
AND,,,,, if you don't have a sticker on your truck, then you deserve to get pulled over, obey the laws my dear.....
Now you know what it's like to have PMS ha ha ha!
Actually, I do think there is a male "version" of PMS
I'm just throwing that out there......
You know how I love to boycott things? Not sure if you know one of my newer boycotts, and that's franchise restaurants. Subway is on the list. Fast food doesn't count of course. That said, if all of you guys said, hey we're meeting at the 99, I wouldn't object, but given the choice I stay away from franchises and chains.
what's wrong with rachel ray?
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