I got my AC power adapter for my Roland . . .it only took a month and a half. Dont ever order anything from INSTRUMENTPRO.COM. They suck.
But I have it, my keyboard works again, and all seems well. I really dont know how I went for so long without my keyboard, my music, and my songwriting. Now I can sing to the little bean-man while he is in utero, and he can start to learn his Daddy's singing voice. This will both calm and swoon him--the same effect it has on all the ladies . . .
Without exaggeration, it has been snowing non-stop since Tuesday. What's funny though is how we havent had THAT much accumulation . . .when I got home from school there were probably three inches or so in the driveway . . . .and I said 'screw it' and didnt shovel. I'll do it tomorrow. Oh wait, its going to snow a ton tomorrow. I'll do it Sunday. Oh wait . . .its going to snow all day on Sunday too. Oh well . . .I'll just play the "Bronchitis card."
So when I got home, I took care of the fire, brought in some more wood, enjoyed a Redhook IPA, and played some music for the first time since November 30. I feel very creative, so the songs should start flowing. Funnily enough, my students have been asking me why I havent played any music for them during class (usually I play once a quarter or so--usually before vacation or something). Perhaps I'll play next week; it will be the first time I will have played in my new classroom . . .
Tomorrow I'll be joining Eric for breakfast, and then Sally and I are going to head down to hell--otherwise known as "Babies R Us" in Portland. Actually, it will be great to look around with her and register for all the crap we need.
Oh and UMaine hockey is set not to even MAKE the Hockey East tournment this year--they are in 9th place . . .and will probably fall more after this weekend. UNH took the first game tonight, 3-2, and they'll play a couple more times this weekend. So . . .it looks like vice-principal Atwood and I (the only two UNH alums at a school plauged with UMaine grads) will have lots of trash-talking to do on Monday. GO WILDCATS!!
It's a funny hat. People like big funny hats. Hehe.
So I did call....
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