So the traditional folk song goes . . .midwinter, I guess, is a time when folks start to get a bit depressed and hopeful towards the arrival of spring. Not me.
Nothing bleak about this winter . . .Amanda and I are having a great time. We have gone on more snowshoe trips this winter than we can remember, and the snow keeps falling. We had a small storm yesterday, a bigger storm today, then a four hour lull in the action, then more snow tonight into tomorrow, then snow showers on Friday, then a bigger storm on Saturday night. The only downside is that I have been sick for over a week (with what is probably Bronchitis, but I wont go to the doctor until tomorrow . . .long story) and I havent been able to play (or work!) outside like I like to--or need to.
Do you get the "midwinter blues?" I'm funny I guess; I am happiest and most content in the winter, and I think its because its "the quiet season." I like to be "still" and "homebound," and winter is the season to do this. I can stay in and sit by the fire or read a book and I dont have to feel guilty about it. Plus, if I DO go outside to enjoy the crisp, cold weather (like I often do on my winter runs and snowshoes), I virtually have the world to myself, because everyone else is, well, sitting inside by the fire reading a book. The summer is both too crowded and guilt-ridden a season for me. Everyone is outside, and I find my experiences are less "meditative." I know this sounds wicked hippy-ish but part of why I love being outside is to get fresh air and renew myself. Also, during the nicer weather, I feel bad if I sit inside and watch TV or something . . .I feel society's pressure to "get out" and enjoy the beautiful day. And I dont like that.
I know I joke about "restless leg syndrome" (even though I think I have it), and one might think I would poke fun at this "seasonal affective disorder" thing too . . .but I really think it exists. For me anyway.
I admit it: I have lots of trouble with the seasons changing, I become depressed (especially when spring comes), and I sleep like crap. Its weird. As I have written before in a previous post, when the snow melts, its like ending a relationship with someone. The same is true of the seasons; I'll miss winter when she goes for I feel she brings out the best in me . . .
What do you do during the winter? Winter activities are way different than summer activites--in both the work and recreationsl sense. How do you spend your time? This is what I (and Amanda too) have done to pass the time . . .
- Watched season 1 and 2 of NCIS on DVD
- Watched season 5 and 6 of "All Creatures Great and Small" on DVD
- Pursued therapy because I spend good, God-given time watching "All Creatures."
- Cried about the writer's strike, since I havent been able to see my "Unit." (keep minds out of the gutter, perverts!)
- Read books about Chocolate Chip cookie murders, voodoo priests, Delta Force, the Irish potato famine, and Maine's logging industry
- snowshoed, ran, and swam laps at the Holiday Inn
- conversed with several naked geriatrics at the same place
- flirted with several half naked coed geriatrics in the hot tub
- moved 2.5 cord (so far . . .but we're still going) one piece at a time from the yard to the shed to the garage to the mudroom to the house
- hopelessly tried to empty the ashes from the firebox without making ashes from the firebox airborne to stain ceilings and walls
- thought about stripping wallpaper and painting walls
- endlessly poured water in the cast iron steamer atop our stove, only to STILL wake up with a bloody nose each morning (almost . . .or lately, it seems anyway)
- felt my baby son kick around in his mother's belly
- talked to my son about Chinese food we'll eat together in 2 or 3 years
- held Amanda's hair back as she's thrown up
- dreamt about June 6 . . . .
What do YOU do??
it's hard to think about winter when you haven't had any snow, and it is 70 degrees out. it's 10:30pm and it's still 66 out. By the way, I like to pose for the wigger posters!!
I hate the winter, you would too if you drove into Boston for 40 years! Little beansprout will be having Chinese food by the way of Amanda when is just a little pu pu.
I'm with you. I love winter and I get that cozy nesting feeling. I can read, do all my crafts, have a wood fire and just spend some time looking out arthe back 40 watching all the little critters and beautiful untouched snow. However, the past few years I've noticed that I get the "blues" from late January till March. Old age?
Hi Keith!
I'm glad that you're optimistic about winter since you live in Maine.
This winter I am . . .
. . . working out and running indoors
. . . house shopping since prices are finally reasonable
. . . riding the T to get around
. . . crazy about sudoku
. . . finding new bands on iTunes
. . . 4-wheeling after every snow and every thaw, or basically when ever I can get really dirty
. . . spending a weekend in San Diego and another in Las Vegas
. . . trying to bowl as much as possible
timmy you have a fourwheeler??
Well I just love winter and the snow, bring it on ha ha ha ha ha. I get to do all the things thatI don't do in the summer like look at my catalogs, clean my closets (my mom would be so proud) oh ya and lay on the couch under the cozy comforter. Have you fallen for the bull yet???????
Steve Cee is missing from your Wigger poster.
Hey, I think I saw myself on that wigger poster
I like to smoke dope and play online poker and playstation. some times I'll throw in a little wii to mix it up
I like to look for racist posters. Do you think if an African-American dressed like, and assumed the mannerisms of a white person we would find demeaning names to call them, or would we think they were better off for it? Hmmm.
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