Here is "normal George." He might be overjoyed. He might be in extreme pain. He might even be experiencing a religious epiphany. No one really knows for sure . . . .

Is THAT George? No . . .wait . . .its John Bolton, the U.S. ambassador to the U.N. I think what screwed me up is that Ambassador Bolton is making George's "I'm SUPER DUPER excited and I want the world to know it" face . . .

Could THIS be George? Nope, its Garrison Keillor. Now before you think I am crazy, picture Garrison with a 'stash like George. See what I mean?

Hi Dad. I like the picture where you're smiling the best.
now...THAT face IS ridiculous....
actually..I vote for picture number 1 also
WOW!!! Uncle George really gets around!!!
I vote for number 1, George is so cute he's the best!
George looks great, Jared I think you should do a blog using your picture with all the great behinds in the world and let us see the resemblence,wah wah.
Georgie looks like Capt. Kangaroo too. might want to check this out:
this post was hysterical =)
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