I took a break from all the yard work and wood splitting I've been doing, and joined my friend Dave for a canoe trip up on the Sandy River in Norridgewock. Jen, his wife, dropped us off at a "put in" in Norridgewock, and then, a couple of hours later, she picked us up when we landed the boat in Madison--all in all, we did about a 7 mile trip, and the water was HIGH and the current was STRONG! Usually, the Sandy is pretty shallow and clear . . .with a sandy, visible bottom. Today was different, as the feet upon feet of snow melted into the river, raising the water level and increasing the speed of the water. It was a beautiful afternoon (high 70's) to be on the water, and I can't believe its gotten so nice so fast here in Maine. We're being spoiled. Below, check out a bend in the river. Notice there is still a bit of snow on the banks. As early as this past Monday, Dave still was able to snow shoe in his field.
After the trip we went back to Dave's house. He lives on a beautiful piece of land (I think its like 60 acres or so). Jen's parents also live on the land, just down the dirt road. Dave, Jen, their sons, and Jen's parents all do maple sugaring in the early spring. Below is the sugar house Jen's mother built (he's a master carpenter). Amanda and I have been over a couple of times while they've been boiling down the sap into maple syrup. Its great to sit by the fire, talk, and sample some delicious syrup.
The white barrel off to the right is a sap bucket, and, during the maple season, these jugs are full of sap. The sap is then poured into the tray you see on top of the wood stove, and its boiled down until syrup is rendered. It takes 40 gallons of sap to make 1 gallon of syrup! Ortiz: this is where your syrup comes from!
Lastly, we took a walk down to Dave's trout pond. Dave, a brilliant fly fisherman, had this pond "made" in back of his house; he keeps it stocked with Brook Trout, and he goes down to feed them each evening. He doesnt fish for them or eat them--he just likes to admire the beauty of these unique fish. The pond is pretty neat . . .its spring fed, and he's made a dam on the other side to keep the water intact. Behind the bridge is one of the many trails that traverse the property.
Hi Jared and Amanda...
First of all, you looked like you had a great day! Dave's property is absolutely beautiful.
Second...I'm sorry you guys are having so much trouble with your cable connection. When Chris and I were trying to decide whether or not to get the package deal (cable, internet, and phone), my dad had told us that people frequently have trouble with the phone part of it. If the power goes out, so does your phone. If you have to call 911, you're not part of the e911 system, so they don't get an immediately location of your call. We currently have the cable and internet package through Time Warner Cable and have had very little problems with it, but we did make the choice to sign up for the Verizon/Fairpoint Freedom phone package - for $40 or $50 a month, we get unlimited calls in the nation.
If you continue to have problems, I'd drop the phone part of your package.
I'll see you guys when we get back from Texas! :)
P.S. Amanda - Tuesday or Thursday is fine with me...just let me know what works for you.
thats what you get for using the cable company for your phone and internet. verizon offers all 3 the phone internet and tv on fiber in some areas down here. Guess what? when the power goes out you have a battery back-up so your phone works
I was almost going to say, wow this blog didn't talk about food, then you went and mentioned syrup. good effort
What syrup?
Kristin you are so funny, I was thinking the same thing. Oh Jared, speaking of Sandy, I talked with your best friend Sandy Iwanicki yesterday, she sends her best!
Keith & Donna --
I can't believe that you guys have the time to post a comment on our blog!
Congratulations on the birth of Brandon Robert! (I hope I spelled his name correctly). We can't wait to meet him this summer, and we hope that you are all doing well so far!
time warner, verizon, comcast, whatever . . .they all suck in their own special way, and they're all guilty of extortion.
I think you are lying and you really did not accomplish all those things yesterday. I think you and Thomas P probably laid around on the couch eating bon bons, drinking beer and watching Days of Our Lives while your poor wife worked her butt off for the state employees of Maine. :)
kristin's comment had me laughing for a while.
Glad I gave you a laugh Tim, is this Timmy the Greek or a new Tim
Jared where are you. I think I called.
Im tying ribbon tonight, for what I can not say.
Hi Kristin, you and Anthony should join us for a weekend this summer. I know Emma would love that, oh and we would too!!!! You could see what the zoo is all about.
JaJa - If want, I can call my contact at Verizon Corp and have him get you a discount for phone, internet service. Let me know.
When are you going to bring me some of that special body syrup you gave me last year. I hope this year though when you put it on me, you are more gentle.
Hi June, we'd love to come that would be fun. Jared says you keep a lot of good things in your freezer. Now, can my dog come????
YOu should follow our blog too, sometimes we give shout outs to Emma
Congrats on becoming a Nannie again!
Hi Kristin!
That would be fun if you and Anthony came down this summer! Your right there is plenty of food in the freezer, in fact June just ordered more steaks from QVC so between those and the egg rolls we can definately feed the entire zoo, including Jared!
Hey Jared today is friday and this is a wednesday blog. Whats the deal? Is your internet not working because of your cable connection? I thought you were going to be writing a lot on the blog this week since your off. I'm missing my morning fix :)
yeah kristin it's me.
jared, what happened to all your posts? vaca week?
i thought kristin's comment was funny too
Hey Amanda & Jared,
Have a great time this weekend at the shower!! Have a safe trip. I know you will get a lot of great things. Amanda, don't forget to keep your feet up. Love you guys
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