Until April Vacation. I can't wait. I have a bunch of spring projects lined up, like splitting the wood for next winter (I'm still burning the wood from this winter . . .it gets cold at night), raking the thrush and sand off the lawn, cleaning out the garage from clutter like firewood, insulation, and all kinds of other crap, and possibly putting some mulch down. Today I worked outside a little bit, and I am happy to say we can finally open our front door--the frost, although not "out" by any means, has gone down enough to allow me to fix the door. Its pretty messed up, but at least I can get in my own house now. I also swept out the sandbox that was Amanda's garage bay. My garage bay, if you remember, is filled with a cord of oak, so I park in our crappily down, ultra heaved driveway.
For the second day in a row, I came directly home from school and painted. I got the second coat on the trim in the baby's room done today, and tomorrow, with a little help, we'll get the second coat of the walls done. Then we can do touch ups, clean the floor, and start bringing in some of the Bean's new toys, books, and other logistical items. For as much as I hate painting, I have to say I find it very relaxing to paint, alone, while I listen to "All Things Considered" on NPR. Although, I have to admit, I get peeved at all the liberal hippy crap that goes on in this country. Also, I just continue to become more and more aware at how inept and antichrist-like our president is. FOR EXAMPLE: At the very beginning of Bush's "term," (I put that in quotations because he didnt "really" get elected) he rejected the Kyoto Treaty--a treaty that would have forced the U.S. to cut back on their greenhouse emissions, and thus made the U.S. a more responsible entity in the fight against global warming. Now, since the idiot is pretty much a lame duck, he's saying that we should, in fact, start to seriously consider cutting greenhouse emissions--now he says it, of course, because he's on his way out and he's done all his "dirty dealings" with the big businesses he's been in bed with for the past 8 years. Does he actually think the American people are that stupid that we dont realize what he's doing? He didnt want to help the environment before when he was president, since all of his friends (and Bush himself) were in big oil, etc. But now that he's leaving the presidency, he wants to make it difficult for other people to rape the earth as much as he has. How can any intelligent, moralistic American not think this guy is a total chode? Can you tell me that??
I bet he eats at Craparita's . . .
The United States presidential election of 2000 was a contest between Democratic candidate Al Gore, then Vice President, and Republican candidate George W. Bush, governor of Texas and son of former president George H. W. Bush (1988-1992). Bush narrowly won the November 7 election, with 271 electoral votes to Gore's 266. The election featured a controversy over who won Florida's 25 electoral votes (and thus the presidency), the recount process in that state, and the unusual fact that the losing candidate had received more popular votes than the winner.
In the American system of presidential elections, the electoral vote determines the winner, and Bush won this count, although Gore received more votes (called the "popular vote"). This was the fourth time in American history that a candidate won the presidency without receiving a plurality of the popular vote; it also happened in the elections of 1824, 1876 and 1888.
I find the first picture completely disturbing.
Jared, thanks for all the hard work that you're putting in on the Bean's room!
Hi Uncle Bob. I'm just assuming that you wrote that last comment. Am I right? Or maybe it's Dad?
Though "prouder American" did a great job of cutting and pasting information, from of all places, Wikipedia -http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_election,_2000 Its also important to remember that the Supreme Court stopped the vote count in a 5-4 decision in Bush v. Gore. That little wrinkle did NOT happen in the other 3 cases. The president has never earned a shred of legitimacy during his time in office. George W. Bush is perhaps the greatest executive disaster in our republic's history, and I'm sure will be judged as such.
I'm not sure if cutting and pasting text is much different than cutting and pasting pictures when they are both used to make a point.
And just to set the record straight my wikipedia post has absolutely nothing to do with George W. Bush, but everything to do with the law....
the law? please. you dont think that the fact that Bush's brother being governor of Florida had even teh slightest bit to do with the dishonest way he became president? How about ethics and morals? How can you even come to the defense of a man, who has singlehandedly ruined not only the United States, but also the world. He is an embarassment to the Republican Party, and to the United States in general. I guess prouder american is brainwashd too . . .
Jared, you certainly have some proud Americans responding to your blog. I also wonder if either of them knows that the word "American" needs to be capitalized.
I'm in agreement with the idea that George Bush has ruined and embarrassed not only the Republican Party, but the nation and the world as well. I will be SO happy when he's out of office!
Amanda - I don't know what you did to get Jared to work, but who would've thought he would WILLINGLY want to paint?!?! :) I'm looking forward to helping you both finish the bean's room tonight...I can bring dinner if you'd like!
See you both soon!
Uncle bob: Although I think "prouder, less plaigiarizing american's" response was funny, that was not me. I dont know if the reference about cutting pasting photos was for me, but I'm not the one giving you a hard time. Although I should. ha ha
When are you people going to stop whining and crying over the election? George Bush may not be the best president we ever had and heaven knows I have found fault with a lot of things that he has done, but I don't think he was the worst president we've had and won't be the last, I'm sure. After all, just like the rest of us, he is a human being with faults like we all have and just because he's president, doesn't exclude him from the human race. Also, getting back to the election, he was legitimately elected whether you like it or not. You're just angry because that stupid, "green" Al Gore didn't get elected.
Also, I want to know why you always bash the conservative talk show hosts but yet you listen to NPR, the liberal news show, and take what they say as gospel.
On another note, Jared, I love you and you're doing a great job on the bean's room. Hi, Kristen. I'll see you next weekend. I'm looking forward to it. Amanda, I love you and the bean. I can't wait to come home and see the whole Goldsmith family! I miss you guys!!!
I HOPE noone here is trying to give anyone else a hard time....
I know that I'm not..... :-)
proud american, two things for your consideration:
1. you hope "noone" is giving anyone a hard time? is that like "noon" (i.e. the time)? Or do you mean "no one" (i.e. nobody)?
2. you use wikipedia as a source to prove your weak point. Typical conservative bafoon. Do you know that WIkipedia is the "free encyclopedia ANYONE can both add to or update?" For example, I could do an entry for "Maine," and I could write that its in a Mexican territory . . .and they would publish it. Dont believe everything you read.
And now for M.I.L. . . .
Yes, Bush might be human . . .but as president, you are expected to take it to the next level . . .as president, he isnt "allowed" to play the "i'm just human" card. We expect more. Furthermore, smart humans LISTEN to other smart humans. If I told you, repeatedly, that the stove was hot, would you keep touching it? Well, Bush keeps "touching" the figuraive "stove." He doesnt listen to reason. He is pompus and arrogant. Defend him all you want. Its sad you dont have any better role models . . .
and now for Marvin Astley....
1. Actually it's very obvious that you really don't care whether I meant "noon" the time or "no one" meaning nobody so there doesn't seem to be any real point to you posing the question now does there?
2. Golly Gosh Marvin, is that Wikipedia site really a free encyclopedia ANYONE can both add to or update? I had NO idea.....
Your perceived intelligence on these matters is just really impressive. I suppose I had better be more careful in choosing my sources in the future eh? Thanks so very much for setting me straight on this point Marvin.
This "conservative bafoon" will refrain from sophomoric name calling.
What the hell is going on with these PROUD AMERICANS?????. America is really dumbing down, and I am ashamed. Just look at all the new shows and movies that are out and the commercials that are on TV and tell me they don't think people are stupid. I agree ith M.I.L. Jesh, somebody voted for Bush, but wont admit it. I did!!!!! and I admit it----goodbye and Happy Passover.
this is AWESOME!!!! Keept it coming!!!
I have to agree with the WIkipedia comment . . .its a bad thing to reference when trying to make a point. Anyone CAN and WILL write anything . . .
Hi. I miss Emma
Hi Kristin! Emma really misses you too! She was just asking about you yesterday.
Wow Jared you really started something with this blog! I do know that prouder american is not Uncle Bob so I have no idea who it is. Why all the name calling from Marvin? I don't like how he/she attacked my Aunt Lynne, the M.I.L.!
On another note, Belle the bad driver hit a parked car yesterday afternoon in the parking lot. How is that for a perfect ending to a perfect day!
I'm not trying to give anyone a hard time either. Jared and I just have this little thing going. He tries to rile me up (and always succeeds!) then I have to try to respond and we get into it. It does upset Amanda sometimes but as far as I'm concerned, it's all good fun!!!
Marvin Astley,
As far as Bush is concerned, I was merely stating a FACT. You can expect a person to take it to the next level all you want but a human is a human and we were all created imperfect no matter how hard we try not to be. Also, I'ts not good for you to assume that Bush is my hero or anyone else for that matter. You know what they say about people who assume!!
Emma misses you too. When we mention your name, she gets all excited. She even sings songs about you!
Thanks for the support Ortiz. Happy Passover!!!
Having an appointed political job I try to keep my opinions to myself. I just come home from work and beat up Uncle Bob. ha
Happy Passover Ortiz, Kristin & Jared.
Belle has always had trouble staying in the road!!!!!
Tell Emma I'll see her again soon. She can read my blog and look at my picture...
I forgot to wish Kristin, Jared & Ortiz a "Happy Passover!"
Kristin I'll let Emma get on your blog tonight after work then maybe she'll send you a little message.
Aunt June: is your government appointed job "Municial Email Forwarder?" He he.
This blog has really started something. I sense some real issues with people. Ha ha. Lynne: maybe if you ever come home again we can do some arguing!
Michelle: a parked car?? Are you okay? Did you have high school crapsical playing so loud that you got distracted?
Jared didn't know it was passover anyway, they don't sell passover cards in Maine...wah wah wah
Actually Jared I was listening to your CD!
I'm boycotting.
Hey, can we move on to the next subject, I have A.D.D.
Jared, what is Municial? Uncle Bob wants to know if you teach in the Boro???? ha ha
if we don't read the blog for a couple of days (or more ... wayyyyyy more) and we want to comment on a previous entry, does anyone read it?
this is about the top five albums:
DITTO to Pink Floyd (Dark Side of the Moon); Beatles (Sgt. Peppers ...); Moby (Play); and the Allison Krauss with Union Station; my additions (or is it editions for all you rural grammarians?)
a. Tangerine Dream (Exit)
b. Joan Baez (Diamonds & Rust)
c. Ronnie Laws (Pressure Sensitive)
d. Earth, Wind, & Fire (Best of ...)
e. Led Zep (First & Second albums)
f. Keith Jarrett (Koln Concert)
g. Craig Werth (Loose Gems)
h. anything by Toto (just seeing if you're paying attention)
and to the prouder american (and his/her ilk) ... the current President has been trashing the Constituion while claiming to honor it, split us apart as a nation after his promises to bring us together ("I'm a uniter, not a divider"), amped up the incompetence and untruthiness factor in our government, invaded a sovereign nation without provocation, embarassed us abroad, totally trashed the budget (so much for Republican values), and been the most hideous public leader in memory.
and, if i LOVE NPR because it/they make you think and examine issues and ideas in depth, rather than presenting a two minute segment on breast cancer that you might see on good morning america.
keep your comments coming along!
peace to all,
randy (a NH hippie liberal sucking down public dollars like a lincoln navigator on a road trip).
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