The Bean's room is all done and ready to become home to our little guy--the painting, sheetrocking touchups and even the cleaning is all done. All that remains is actually moving all his new little things into the space--right now they are downstairs in the guest room. Below you can see the corner of the room, one of his bureau's, and the built-in drawers and shelf. This gives you a good contrast between the wall and trim colors. The walls are "Buxton Blue," and the trim is "Shaker Beige."
Here's the side with the chimney. It is just BEGGING for him to hit his head on it, isnt it? Oh well. He'll learn when he starts walking, right? Maybe we should have him wear a helmet--they sell them at Babies R Us!! Note the little door on the right side: this leads into the crawl space (because the front side of the house is not dormered). I'm sure that by the time he is three or so he'll be exploring into the dark nooks and crevices of the house. I know I had fun when we first moved in . . .
And here is his bookshelf with most of his books (some new, some from mommy and daddy--bought before they ever thought about having him). On top of the shelf is a cool sign I bought him at a train show this winter (remember, his room theme is trains). At the bottom of the sign, you can notice a fuzzy/reflective little wooden train whistle we picked up in Bar Harbor at Sherman's Book store. We're so excited to start reading some stories to the bean.
well it's so nice to hear from you guys again!! hope you had a great weekend and are having a fun time at the Sea Dogs' game. I had the day off and went to Freeport and bought some stuff for the bean!! I'm so excited to give it to you guys/the bean!
Wow, I bet you can't wait until the M.I.L. gets home!!!!!!!!
The room looks great guys! What an incredible transfer from how the room use to look! I would like to finish the area above our garage.....let me know when you're free Jarrd.
Hey Jared and Amanda...
The room looks absolutely beautiful...I'm very happy that I was able to help in any way that I could. I hope you both are very happy with the end result! Chris and I are in Texas until Friday afternoon and know you are both going to be away for the weekend. Amanda - let me know when you'd like to do our secret shopping! :)
Ok few questions...
A. So I did call...
B. Remeber when you visited and went into our basement and stole a TV and a the shelf going in the beans's room?
C. Hi
It's nice to hear from you both again! I was really missing you :(
The room looks WONDERFUL! You both did an awesome job!!!!The bean will love it. One question: Where is the Phillies banner going?
wow, great to see all the comments this morning!
mel: cant wait to see what you got the bean! some baby beer things from gritty's?
aunt june: yes, lynne said she'd come up to Maine for a couple of weeks since her daughter is having a baby . . .
twon: lets do it! (the garage, that is). I've become proficient (sort of) at sheetcock . . .i mean sheetrock
michelle and chris: cant wait to do "non work" stuff with you . . although, it is fun even working with you guys! see you soon. eat some ribs for me
piston: yes the shelf is going in his room. call today, because i am home. i am home ALL WEEK!!
[white noise]
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