Callum is getting all geared up for his big trip to Mass this weekend for his "meet and greet." Surprisingly enough, most of Callum's extended family has yet to meet him, since they all live down in Mass. So, his Nannie is hosting a little party on Saturday afternoon, where Callum will most likely be passed around like a bong at a Phish concert (did you just compare your son to a BONG?? You should be ashamed of yourself!!) Also, Amanda and I are looking forward to seeing people we havent seen in a good while. And Callum is REALLY excited to feel Auntie's stomach, and hopefully feel the little baby Favry peanut kicking around. More on that this weekend.
Susan, Eric, Jackson, and Lexi stopped by for a visit last Sunday; Lexi has changed so much already! I thought I'd post of picture of the two "Yummy Mummys." Sarah Palin was unavailable for the photo shoot. HA HA. Besides being beautiful women, both Sue and Amanda have that certain "glow" about them....dont you think? Oh, and since Amanda was out at Michelle's bridal shower on Sunday morning, "I" got him dressed in his new Osh Gosh overalls! Too cute.....Notice how Callum is checking out his new girlfriend? "What's up, girly girl??"
Callum's first fire. As we expected, he really is mesmerized by the flames and the colors and the brightness. He sat in his chair just STARING at it. Its going to be a great winter for him. Sadly, however, we were without Thomas lying on his carpet in front of the fire--that has always been a mainstay in the Goldsmith household. Its still so painful not having him. Something is definitely missing here.
Papa Goldsmith sent Callum a cute Halloween card, and, after reading it to Callum, I gave it to him to hold. Naturally, he tried eating it. Immediately. Like father, like son.
Amanda was off today, and she got a picture of Callum just as he was waking up. Our favorite time with him is undoubtedly the morning, since, after a long fruitful sleep, he is SO happy, so alert, and so full of personality. I love his little fleece sleepers. This one says "Forest Friends" on it. Callum has lots of friends. I have to say: he really looks like me in this picture. A lot.
And, lastly, Callum on his "Rainforest Mat." He LOVES this thing, as it plays music, blinks lights, and makes "rainforest sounds" like bugs, birds, etc. We try to stay away from the "ADD inducer" toys that they sell---where there are literally 45 things to do at once. But this is pretty neat. It has monkeys, birds, etc. dangling from a "canopy," and he loves to lay and talk to them. Off to the left, you'll see there is even his MOOSE in this rainforest. Thank Global Warming for that mix up. Look at the curiosity and intrigue in his eyes....I hope he has the love of learning that I had...but I also hope he has more patience to try and figure things out.
Nannie says she cannot believe how much bigger he has gotten since I last saw him in September, he is the spitting image of his father, it is actually kind of scarey....
I can't wait to hug and kiss him this weekend.
I can also tell by looking at this little guy that he just about ready to roll over, he is a very busy little guy.
In case you havent' noticed, Nannie has forgotten how to get her nmae above her note, so I will have to be anonymous for now.
I can't wait to get my hands on him this weekend. Sorry Amanda but he is 100% Jared
He is so cute. My only wish is soon as he statrs talking, his first sentence will be " Can I ask you a question" and I hope he continues for the rest of his life, but I guess thats how you got so smart.
Beautiful pictures as always, Jared and Amanda...I love the one of Callum looking up at his toy!
Just to let you can post more than five pictures. Just upload the first five, and then you can upload five more. :)
Hello Goldsmith Family! Jared, I have to tell you the blog is fantastic! You are both amazing writers! (How come Mrs. O'Reilly & Mrs. Balboni didn't think so too? Oh well, their loss!) HaHa! Thanks for sharing the blog with me so I could catch up! My son has the same toys, same snuggle sleepers, sits in front of the same fires totally mesmerized! ....maybe we need a roadtrip soon so the boys can play and the parents can drink....I mean cider, of course! :)
Be well, happy blogging!
Love, Lisa (Macuch)Clarke
I'd like to be emailed pictures from snapfish...well actually i'd just like someone to email be back period.
Love, love love the pictures. Keep them coming!
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