Also, Callum had his 4 month appointment yesterday. He is doing very well, and he was a big boy when it came to getting his shots (he got 5). I had to hold down his little pork chop legs again, since this kid LOVES to kick everything in sight when he becomes nervous/excited/happy/etc. He is 25 inches long (75th percentile) and 14 pounds, 15 ounces (50th percentile). The weight really shocked me (thats what she said!) because I was sure he was AT LEAST a cool 16 pounds. Oh well. He does have some eczema (sp?) on his back and chest, and this is probably due to the baths we give him, combined with the drier weather; and I think he has inherited his mother's VERY fair Irish/Scottish/Welch/British skin.
Today was a beautiful day, and I worked outside for a good part of the day, mowing the lawn for (hopefully) the last time, spreading some compost, bagging some brush, and doing some firewood. This afternoon, we took Callum on his first canoe trip! We have been excited to bring him, ever since he was born. Today seemed like a great time. His papa Goldsmith bought him TWO lifejackets, and his car seat fit perfectly in between the yoke and the other wooden cross beam. He really loves the outdoors--the wind, the trees, neighborhood cats and squirrels, etc. I think the excitement was too much for him, because he was lulled to sleep.....
I took up the stern of our ship, and Amanda, who paddled bow, was also the picture taker. Callum sat back with me so we could talk about "guy stuff."
Lake George is a beautifully clean lake in Canaan (about 20 minutes away from us). We posted a blog about Lake George park towards the end of the summer--we just love it there. The foliage dotting the rolling hills around the lake was beautiful (although past "peak,") and it was indeed brisk out on the water. Callum was as snug as a bug in one of his Halloween outfits, hat, and Osh Kosh "hoodie."
Callum looks cute!,I can see from your pictures the life vests are close by. Is Callum in the HOOD? Go Phillies!!!!!
I am so going to be like a mom here. Sorry ahead of time... One word... LIFEJACKETS. OK, that's two words. I never used to paddle w/ a vest, but now I pretty much always do. I am a good paddler and a good swimmer, but sudden and odd things can happen. And I wouldn't want to leave my kid motherless. Um, and lifejacket for the kiddo???? Get them for the next year, OK? Keep all us moms happy. But mostly keep all of you safe.
I loved these looks like you had a great time on the lake!
I appreciate your concern Lisa, but, with all due respect, Callum WAS wearing a lifejacket--something that everyone else who is bothered by this blog, for some reason, fails to realize. Amanda is a GREAT mom, and we would never do anything to put our little guy in danger. You can't see the lifejacket because we had to put it under his sweatshirt in order to strap him into the seat.
Happy paddling!
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