Anyway, look at Callum: He's as happy as Twon at a beerfest.....
We have been having some beautiful fall weather lately, and parts of Maine got a couple of inches of snow last night. There's a beautiful park in Fairfield--Mill Island Park--that sits, well, on an island in the Kennebec River. Its right downtown, and its a TOTAL hidden gem. I often go there to run, workout, read, etc. We took Callum for a little stroll before dinner the other night. He LOVED the tire swing with mommy--he was all smiles as the wind kissed his face as he went back and forth. OH MY GOD! IS HE NOT WEARING A HELMET????????
Just kidding.
We have lots of trains running through Fairfield, and hearing the whistle at 2, 3, or 4 in the morning is lovely. Sometimes. Since Callum adores trains, I thought we'd wait a bit and try our luck at seeing one cross the trestle. The trestle crosses the Kennebec, and, from the road bridge on the other side, its beautiful to watch the trains meander across the river. Especially in the fall!
My buddy Jay already isnt talking to me, so I figure what the hell....
Its Callum's first world series! Go Phillies!!!!!
I was nervous that the sox were going to end up playing the Phillies in the fall classic, since if they did, it would virtually tear this family apart. Much of Amanda's family would have been rooting for the Phillies, and Amanda and I would have been rooting for the sox. The Phillies are the "National League" team of the Goldsmith family, and, now that the sox arent in it, we can put all our energy toward rooting for the cheesesteaks. Actually, I'd root for anyone who was playing against the Rays....smug little dinks. And Rays fans should be ASHAMED of themselves!!!! For 85% of the season, there were no Rays fans to be found at the Trop....but now, all of the sudden, they are everywhere! FAIR WEATHER IDIOTS!!!
GO PHILLIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Jared - I am a huge fan of the
Red Sox or have you forgotten!!?? Isn't it me that always talks to you about them? However, I did grow up with the Phillies and I will be rooting for them. If they were playing the Red Sox, I'd be for the Sox!
The pictures of Callum are wonderful. He is so cute. I can't wait to see him tomorrow. Maybe someday you can put a swing in your new oak tree!
I can't comment, I am voting for McCain.
I can't comment either because I still think what you did really lacked judgement. Oh and if you don't want people's opinions I suggest you cancel your blog.
Callum looks so cute with his moose, I wish I was seeing him this weekend. Ho hum. I guess I just can't win.
I'm voting for Clinton
shane you idiot...i do want people's opinions...where did i say i didnt? But make the opinions on teh BLOG....dont just talk about me behind my back you coward.
I love opinions. I'm all about them. And if you dont like my blog, then go back to sitting alone, watching women's volleyball with the volume turned down.
yay! can't wait to see you guys this weekend! Amanda, we're not going to the halloween party anymore, we'd rather see you guys instead, and we'll really bring Callum his new book this time!
I'm lost people, who the heck is Shane?
Hi Callum!
Love the picture of Panda and Callum on the swinig!
Oh by the way I'm voting McCain also Ortiz. I have yard signs or bumper stickers if you want some.
I'm voting for McCain but I am going to comment anyway because I can. I'm Aunt June! Jared, one thing you have to learn being parents you are never going to please everyone so you have to please yourselves. You and Amanda are wonderful parents and use good judgement. Give Callum a big kiss for me.
I don't know who I'm voting for but I am Callum's mom so I can say something. Lots of people take their infants boating, camping, etc... and it's fine. We are Callum's parents and we do what is right for us and for our family.
Thank you.
my favorite is the picture of callum with his Phillies hat on, I love it
I agree with June, do what you think is right for your family, who cares what other people say. You can't please everyone, you have to think of yourself (or family as a whole) you know what you did, and that's all that matters, don't feel like you have to explain yourselves as "good parents" you're doing fine! love you!
I'm voting for Barack Obama, so I guess I can comment. I agree with Aunt June! While I'm not a parent - YET - I do believe that you guys are wonderful parents, and you shouldn't ever have to feel as though you have to explain yourself, especially to people who feel they have a right to criticize the choices you make. Maybe if those people don't like reading about what you do, they simply shouldn't read the blog, rather than suggest you cancel it. Silly people. :)
P.S. The pictures of Callum are absolutely adorable!
People who comment on how other people raise their kids:
1. Are too cowardly to have their own.
2. Are secretly insecure/unsatisfied about the way the raisedy/are raising their own.
3. Obnoxious
or any combination of the three.
Nicely put, Tim! :)
Sorry Tim but you are wrong. I totally disagree with your three comments. I have two beautiful children, I am very proud of the way I have raised my children and I am not obnoxious. It has taken me a long time to have my children and I want them to stay safe with me.
My two wonderful children are 21 and 19 - and I feel like the luckiest man in the world, as they are well-adjusted, interesting, and fantastic young adults. I feel lucky because parenting is the most difficult job in the world, and I'm sure I made several mistakes. My message to you is this: being a father or mother is the world's toughest 'on-the-job" training endeavor. I see the Goldsmiths as the very BEST new parents I have EVER seen. I know that they did NOTHING to endanger their child, and to judge another parent who you KNOW is doing his or her best is the very definition of stupid. Get a life.
Well, I'm voting for Prohibition Party candidate, Benjamin Bubar, so I guess I can comment. I heard that Barack Obama has been taking his two girls on regular canoe trips on Lake Michigan since they were babies. I also heard that Jared has a close relationship with a "Maine-terrorist" named Bangor Phillips, who set fire to the McDonalds in Greenville after it replaced a local gun store. What all this means is simple: Jared is a socialist, anti-child, anti-gun, anti-Bush, anti-war, latte drinking, vegan-loving, tree-hugging, anti-American hippie. What a world!
so met, did you put your car seat in a canoe?
Whatup J-Dog and Panda "party with my peeps" Goldsmith!
(I am just not cut out for the Internet. I spent two minutes playing with the punctuation of that goofy intro.)
Jared, your boy looks eerily like you, but that's a good thing. Maybe he'll score himself a total hottie, too! (I can say that about Amanda, right?) Good to talk with you the last few days; just thought I'd drop in and say hello on the blog.
Jared-you did win! Phillies 3-2 over the Rays and I am with Ortiz on the other subject.
I love the wicked cute picture of Jared hugging Callum!
I don't know much about the politics of Benjamin Bubar but I do like the cut of his jib.
Can Bubar get the Phillies a hit with runners in scoring position?
Nice to see you again Lovey-Dovey
By the way did Brandon start kindergarten yet?
I agree with Shane!! The problem with your blog is that you created is that you end up degrading those who do not agree with you and then cry like a little girl when they defend their opinions. I suggest you write with the intent of which you claim and that is to simply let those enjoy the pics of your kid and keep everybody abreast of what is going in your life as opposed to the stuff you really write about. Your like the big bully on the play ground, you pick a fight through your degrading debatable articles then act like a B when somebody says something you don’t like.
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