Well I didnt get on this blog as much as I wanted to this weekend, but such is life. We had a great time, and as a way to remember it all, I will put it in a list. Then you can read this list and be jealous at how cool my life is. And then you can call me and I will let you hang out with me so you can experience the coolness that is Goldsmithdom. Cheerio.
1. On Friday, Ba-Ba came over for supper....I made a pretty good pulled pork. We would have consumed more beer, but it was all frozen, since it was sitting out in the INSULATED breezeway. Yeah it has been pretty cold up here. I think it was -17 on Friday night (with the wind chill). Lynne and George stayed for supper and we had a good time!
2. On Saturday morning, I let Amanda sleep, and Callum and I cooked oatmeal and 3/4 pound of Joseph's special slab bacon. Further proof that God truly loves us. Callum LOVES bacon. And daddy does too.
3. I tried to talk to my sister, since I heard she is 62% dead or something. She is very sick and we have been trying to reach her. But every time I called her she was sleeping or throwing up or something. But this was okay, since I got to talk to Twon a lot this weekend. We really bonded over Glee, brewing, and fashion. We are really looking forward to seeing the Favrys next weekend
4. Since I havent been able to talk to Kristin, I sent her a couple of really heartfelt e-cards. I know they really plucked at her heart strings.
5. Then, since it was Michelle Garner's birthday, I sent her a couple of really lovely birthday e-cards. I know they changed her life.
6. I was so inspired that I sent an e-card to George AND to Twon
7. I changed my facebook profile picture to Shrek (this is "doppleganger" week on FB, and you are supposed to put a picture of your "lookalike")
8. We took a ride over to the Hargroves to meet their youngest little boy--four day old Rylan. YOu really forget how small these babies are when they are born! Fellow colleague Rich Redwine (yes that really is his name, and no he isnt a French Indian chief) came by since Jesse had been going on and on about this Scotch he picked up in Scotland last summer. Jesse, Rich, AMANDA, and I sampled some fantastic 16 year old Scotch (you cant get this stuff in the USA). I am still somewhat of a Scotch "virgin," but this stuff was amazing--as it traveled down your body, you felt warm, inspired, and vanillaey at the same time. FURTHERMORE, Amanda now loves Scotch. She hates having .0000008 tsp. of salt touching her food....but she loves Scotch.
9. We watched X-Files after CS went to sleep
10. Had a great time at church sitting next to the Carlsons....Callum and his girlfriend Emmy took turns feeding each other goldfish and fruit snacks. The parents all pretended it was wedding cake. Then we realized we were in church and we should pay attention. Then we did.
11. Drove up to Skowhegan for Griffin Pelotte's FOURTH!!! birthday!! I cannot believe this little guy is four! It was a John Deere theme party, and we were supposed to dress up like John Deere people (yellow and green colors). But, since I forgot to DRESS like a John Deer user, I just made sure to spit a lot on the floor, swear at little kids, and backhand my wife every 12 minutes or so. I fit right in
12. Callum took a great nap--and so did mom and dad
13. I went on a secret trip to meet my secret brethren at Mainly Brews Pub to share a secret 22oz beverage to talk about secret upcoming events in the life of our secret society. A great, unplanned event
14. Now I will publish this blog, have some leftover pulled pork, stoke the stove, and get ready for the week ahead.