Callum got his hair cut this past Sunday after church. In the woman's bathroom. Kitty, a woman in our church, is a former hair dresser, and she has cut the hair of all her grandbabies. She was an obvious choice. Plus, Callum likes her and feels comfortable at church. Here is Callum's "party in the back" that he had going on for some time. Interestingly enough, we did not grow this on purpose. Rather, his hair just kind of manifested itself like this from the time he months old. Clearly he is a party boy.

Notice Callum holding his Thomas "hoo hoo" for comfort while Kitty assesses the situation. The mirror in the background gives this photograph a quasi-existential kind of look; it is as if one is looking at one's self through the prisms of childhood.....and stuff. I am somewhat of an artiste. And I put an e on that because I am an artiste.

He was SO GOOD during the hair cut. He didnt cry at all, and he actually seemed to enjoy it. Off comes the pony tail!

Such a little boy.

Already, he is getting mad chicks with his new hair style. Thatta boy CS! His two girlfriends, Mia and Emmy (who also happen to be Kitty's granddaughters) were very interested in what their special guy was doing. Only moments later, I had to break up quite the cat fight over who would take Callum to the Snowflake Dance. ....
(actually, there were half a dozen people in the bathroom watching the event. Kind of funny actually. I like the toilet).

Coincidentally, I do not have a good "after" picture, but I will take one. He looks very handsome with his new haircut, and he looks like such a little boy. Where did our baby go?
You've captured "the first haircut" beautifully! Where did my baby "little moo" go? I guess he's my "big boy moo" now. Time goes so fast. The pictures are great and I love them.
love the pictures. Callum is such a handsome little boy! Just adorable!!!
Oh No! Somewhere Don Deptula is vert sad.
First I want to say "it's about time you posted about the first haircut!" I've been waiting patiently since Sunday.
Second: Callum is sooo.....cute and very handsome with his haircut! Love the pictures, thanks for sharing!
So Cute. Can't wait to see the end result. What a good boy he was.
Pony tails and Ponzy schemes -- they both start with the letter "P." There's your theme, I guess.
Good blog, by the way
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