Robert Frost has a great poem about "old snow" where he compares the week-old banks to that of yesterday's newspapers lying on the side of the road; they are black and mottled, crumpled looking, unbeautiful, and nobody cares about it (unless you are Hannity). However, we awoke to a few inches on the ground, and the snow continued to fall all day. A nice white covering to our disgusting looking landscape. More snow in the forecast tomorrow and tomorrow night. I understand Maine is a difficult place to forecast the weather, but this year the weathermen and woman have been absolutely AWFUL. They miss EVERYTHING.
The Goldsmiths had a nice day inside today, recovering further from our episodes of last week, and making sure we are strong for the coming week. This morning Callum and I played blocks in the living room--he is very good at stacking stuff--although he loves to purposely topple his tower over just so he can yell OHHHH NOOOOOO!!!!. Good times. Here he is RIGHT AFTER toppling a tower....I think this picture captures "Callum's essence" perfectly.

I was eating an orange while he stacked blocks. He thought it was hilarious to take a piece of orange and put it at the top of his tower. This really entertained him to no end. Hey....I wish I was this easily happy.

What a little turd....he kept stealing the orange and trying to work it into his towers. Hey....a fleshy orange stuck in between wooden blocks is STILL more structurally sound than something Uncle Timmycocks builds (wah wah wah)

What did you guys play with growing up--as far as blocks go? I, myself, was a straight Lincoln Logs guy...I never got into Legos. Or Duplos. I used to build whole towns out of my Lincoln Logs. I also used to tinker around with Tinker Toys and Construx. And you can't diss the regular old geometric wooden blocks. Old School. What else was there for brands of blocks? What am I missing. I love blocks, man!
Oh, and here is another engagement photo I found. This went in a newspaper someplace. Hilarious!
Jared I have to say I wasn't really understanding your facination with the engagement photo's but for some reason it made me laugh today. Thanks for that as my day started off in the stinker so I definitely could have used that laugh.
Callum is just adorable!
I prayed with brocks when I rived in Easton too.
We were so poor we used chicken bones for blocks
engagement photos like those don't do much to discredit the theory that girls make weddings more about themselves than they should be about the couple getting married.
Have you always been a racist, Calvin?
Jared, you have weird friends then again you're a little weird! haha
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