9 to start '10
1. We had to buy matches the other day, since we were out (well, that logically follows, doesnt it??) But I digress.....So we buy these boxes of matches, and when I went to take one out to light the stove I see the following phrase on the box: "New look....same great product." For matches?? Really?? Arent matches just one of those things that have looked the same since they were invented? How could matches possibly look any different and still be effective? In this economy, why are R&D folks spending good money looking for ways to improve matches? (Plus, they didnt look any different......)
2. When people arent sure about the weather, or an impending storm, they might say "well, we arent sure about the track of the blizzard....so we'll just keep it up in the air." Of course it is, silly! I love double entendres, and I find great entertainment from watching the weather. More reason why I need to join a club for special people......
3. I think it would be funny if one of the liberal tree hugger hippies wanted to spread the word about the decimation of the world's forests and the corporate "sharking" of the pulp paper industry. Would one of these hippies write a book in order to do this? And, if they were real, true hippies, would they be upset if the book was an overwhelming success and had to go for a second printing? Hmmmm......
4. Amanda and I got a new game for Christmas. It is called "Quelf." That, in itself, is funny. Quelf is a game that seems to be similar to all the Cranium games where one needs to act out, be creative, etc. But what was perhaps more interesting was the disclaimer at the top of the directions that advised anyone playing the game to "check with your physician before undertaking any new recreational activity." Hilarious. I am imagining going to the doctor's and paying a 15 dollar co-pay JUST so I can say "Hi Dr Murray-James! I brought this game with me today.....I am wondering if you could read the directions to Quelf, and then tell me if I am healthy enough to play it. Thanks. Oh? Not sure? Well, why dont we play a couple of rounds of Quelf, and then you can observe me to see if it is okay if I continue. Great."
5. From the "Are you serious???" file: We bought Callum a box of Hood ice cream sandwiches the other day--they are really cute, since they are little "quarter" sandwiches. He loves them. On the box, emblazoned in yellow letters, reads: "Special freezer pack!" Do advertisers even have to graduate high school?
6. My mom is going to see "Bowser" at Mohegan Sun. You know....."Bowser"......from "Sha-Na-Na???"......you know.......
7. One of my least favorite parts about living in Maine has to be the people who have to falsely emphasize that they are indeed from Maine by pronouncing "baked potato" as "baked pu-tay-tuh." I can handle the highest taxes and the second worse governor in the US (after Deval). But PLEASE can Susan Collins do something about this?
8. Did I mention that my mom is going to see "Bowser?"
9. The only time we ever listen to country music (an oxymoron in itself) is when we eat breakfast at our favorite breakfast place: The Flatlanda' (yes, I hate the "a'" thing too.....). We ate there yesterday, and I noticed how each country song basically follows the same cliche formula: You've got a quasi-catchy guitar riff with shallow vocals that go on for 1.5 minutes or so, and then, quite abruptly, ALL the music stops (except for maybe the bass drum) and you have the quasi attractive female vocalist say her "catch phrase." Then the music starts again and we're back to the crap. You know what I mean by "catch phrase," right? It is how country music lyrics work.....every other piece of lyric can be awful....but there needs to be some type of "anthem-like," totally repeatable line to say when the music stops like "you can take my life, but dont touch my truck," or "put down the lipstick and pick up my Remington" or "I burned my skirt, and from the flames lit my cigar" or something like that. And you need to sing it to that special country "beat" thing. You know what I'm talking about.....try it.....I know you know what I mean....
Ay gonio!
Number one: Did you ever think that the "New look...same great product!" could be referring to the box, not the matches? I think that's the case. Think about it.
Number two: I am saddened by your harsh criticism of country music. I agree with you some songs aren't the greatest but to put down the whole genre - :(. I hope that some day you grow to love country music! :)
Michelle: I love bluegrass music very much. But I dont consider bluegrass music country music. I also love Johnny Cash and Hank Williams. I think what I am referring to is all this "new" country, which is so over-dramatic and talentless.
On the match front, first of all, I love your pun: "I think that's the case." Haha.... Second of all, even if they ARE referring to the box (which they arent, since there is a picture of the "new" match next to the saying) the ad gimmick is still silly, isnt it?? How do you improve a box of matches? It needs to be rectangular, and it needs to have a place on which to strike. That is all. Think about that:)
FINALLY, when can we expect a new blog from the Garners?????????????
This isn't Michelle Garner - got you tricked. But I can understand your point about the country - some new stuff is crap - but not all.
Also, about the matches - I can see your point. It is silly. To sidetrack a bit - have you tried the strike anywhere matches? So much fun! Some of your former students and I went through a whole box of those one night on a camping trip in Acadia this summer.
my sincere apologies to you!!! I guess I am not used to you leaving comments (although I wish you would more...yeay!!)
you guys couldnt find anything else to do in ACADIA NATIONAL PARK except play with MATCHES?? Haha.. Just kidding.
See you at your kitchen party!!!
Callum is a Hoot!!!! Love the pictures....he makes me laugh and feel good.
Anne, do you listen to the 50's on 5 channel on XM RADIO? It's so much fun and brings back so many memories. You and Bob would love it. I'm trying to teach Callum some of the dances! Does this make me sound old?
We don't have XM radio
but do get to see the Duh Whop shows on channel 2 which has a lot of good stuff on it, including SESAME STREET.
we are going to the Bowser show again at Mohegan for my birthday, we went in 2007 and it was like a 3hour show, and were going again last year except we got caught in a snow storm, so hope we make it this year.
I enjoyed it very much and so did Bob, however, when they start coming out using a cane or walker, and then Little Anthony of Little Anthony and the Imperials forgets his words, you know you are defeintly OLD.
I am sure there will be alot of comments from the peanut gallery out there as to who these people are but I am sure Mee Mee totally understands my comments.
English Teacher there is NO need to comment on my spelling, I just type to fast....
Callum those are scary faces...
Oh so one time Mom and Bob had tickets to an oldie show with JoAnn. Well bob got sick and I had to go with mom and JoAnn, I had to sit ALONE and was the youngest person there.
Picture a 20 something HIP woman sitting alone at an oldies show.......
I just love those faces, how cute!
Kiss and hugs Callum!
goin' down the way to have a lobstah' and a few beeyahs, wickud ossum day heah.
rbs - NH
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