A nice visit with the Favry family on Friday and Saturday....although it had to end prematurely because little Jackson was pretty sick. He just wasnt his usual happy self--and when his temperature indicated he had a fever of almost 104, the Favrys decided to end the trip early and bring him back to CT. It turns out he had a double ear infection, lots of fluid in his chest, and a bunch of other stuff. Hope you feel better J-Robb!
But while they were here, we had a grand old time. Here, the McMuffin cousins (I just called them that, because Callum is a little biscuit, and Jackson is a little sausage) enjoy playing "Peekaboo Barn" and "soundmatch" games on their parent's iPhones.

On Friday night, I fired up the charcoal and we had Joseph's Oriental sausage, marinated chicken thighs, and burgers. Then Anthony and I sampled some of the great homebrewed IPA he brought up from CT. On Saturday, the weather was WAY nicer than it should have been for the middle end of March in Maine! Temps soared to about 70 degrees, and we knew we had to get the boys outside. After breakfast and naps (for Callum, Jackson, and yours truly) we took a ride to the North Street playground in Waterville (right across from the hospital where Callum was born). Jackson enjoyed his first session on a swing, and Callum was pretty impressive climbing up the playground structures, going down slides, etc. Here's Auntie and Jackson:

We even (attempted to) flew the kite I brought the biscuit back from Machias. Yeah....so that went well. All the kite did was act as a conduit for Amanda and I to get mad at each other. But eventually, I did get it up for a little bit (I'm not saying a word......). It is actually pretty difficult to fly a kite! Or maybe I'm just stupid. Probably the latter.
That night, we all skyped with Nannie (Ortiz, you need to get your webcam!). We even talked to MeeMee a little bit, since she wanted to see Jackson!

You could have a caption contest for this one!

While Auntie and Ukkal were packing the car, Auntie Amanda took care of a noticeably failing Jackson; he just was NOT feeling well. He was wicked hot, and his cheeks were red and roasting. Callum was also trying to nurse his cousin back to health.

Even though it was a short visit, and we didnt get to eat all the snacks we made together, it was still a great time and it is always wonderful to get the cousins together. We'll see them again in three weeks for Jackson's first birthday!!
the last picture is so sad, my poor little guy. He was upset he missed a lot of the activities so he says he is taking the bus back to maine this weekend, he didn't even get to see toby or bill.
And we missed dips.
We'll email you pics of Callum pushing Jackson around in the cozy coupe.
I did video jared trying to fly the kite but i can't post it cause he says the F work 96 times.
i would never swear around my little boys.....
I just love the pictures of the boys! They are so cute. Poor Jackson, I hope he is feeling better.
oh, maybe you were saying " look at that truck"
I would like to thank Amanda for making an unacceptable comment about my black sweatshirt, at least I don't look like Elton. I had a good time with the exception of that. I just wish I had my 740 because we would have made it to the ER sooner with Jacko. Uncle KK also had fun playing "fire" with Callum.
I better not catch any of you speeding with our "precious cargo"
The pictures of the two boys are way too cute! I love them. I enjoyed skyping with them. Jackson is adorable. I wish he had been feeling better - I hope that he is feeling better now.
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