Oh...ya know....this and that....
Yeah, been busy enjoying the early spring weather with Amanda and Callum. I WOULD have time to blog, but Callum REFUSES to ever come inside....he loves being out, walking, running, biking, and sitting on daddy's "doldoorshh" (Callumish for shoulders)
As I write this, I am relaxing at my hotel room table, overlooking the Machias river in beautiful (and REAL) Downeast Maine, awaiting my first meeting of the day. I was asked my Doug, our principal, to serve on a visiting committee for a NEASC school accreditation for Machias Memorial High School. I would go into detail, but I value your awakedness. Suffice to say I am actually looking forward to this week, although it will be incredibly full with work, writing, observing, meeting, drinking (knowledge), and writing again. I am serving as the consultant for the curriculum committee, which basically means I analyze and report on the high school curriculum for Machias. Yeah....I am a pretty big deal.....
Although I dont like being away from Amanda and Callum (and I REALLY hate having subs tend to my classes back home) I am nevertheless proud to represent Winslow High School (THE best high school in Maine) for this terrific opportunity. I will definitely show these Machiasans a taste of Black Raider pride!
I'll try to post some pictures of real downeast Maine this week....that is, if I have time. I will definitely be busy, working in (scheduled) meetings from 7am to 1030pm. If you get a chance, do a google image search for Machiasport, Jonesport, Lubec, etc. Beautiful spot.
Best of luck to Senator Thurston and his band of merry seniors who embark on their field trip Washington DC this week. Wish I was with you guys....you are in for a fantastic time!
Helen's looks really crowded, they must have tons of Maine shrimp. Have a good time. I am proud that they picked you, you go Jared!!!!
Helen's looks really crowded, they must have tons of Maine shrimp. I'm proud that they picked you, you go Jared!!!!
Helen's looks really crowded, they must have tons of Maine shrimp. I'm proud that they picked you, you go Jared!!!!
I know you're really busy up there, but I also hope that you're enjoying yourself. Callum and I are really proud of you... We miss you and we can't wait to see you on Wednesday!
PS. Helen's looks really crowded, they must have tons of Maine shrimp. Have a good time. I am proud that they picked you, you go Jared!!!!
Helen's has TONS of Maine shrimp....but why would I waste my time on shrimp when I can get fried clams, lobster, or prime rib?
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