The Children's Museum, that is!
Hi, Amanda here. Today Callum and I went with our friends (moms and kids) to the Children's Museum in Portland. What a cool place! There was so much to see and do, just like most museums, that we'll have to go back sometime soon as we didn't get to do everything we wanted.
Here is our little group walking from the parking garage to the museum. The kids were SO excited --- and so were the moms! Callum kept giggling and hopping along... He was the youngest of the group (except for the two babies, Lucy and Bode) so his little legs didn't move as fast as the others. That's why we're at the back of the group...

When we got there, the first exhibit we went to was a HUGE whale that you could actually walk through. Callum did NOT like this. At all. So instead he went to play post office. Please note his little mailman messenger bag. He had a blast mailing all of his letters.

While he was busy delivering the mail, his two girlfriends Mia and Emmy decided to take a little drive. This car was so cool -- you could pretend to fix it and put gas in it as well as drive it. Callum liked waving and saying 'hi!' to the kids who were driving the car, but that was about it.

Callum's favorite exhibit by far was the food store. Hannaford, to be more specific. He stayed here for about an hour - playing cashier, collecting food and stocking shelves, and getting money from the ATM (which really worked, although it only gave you play money, unfortunately). When he figured out which button to push to make the drawer fly open, he was in seventh heaven... He was surprised every time and couldn't stop laughing!

Here he is doing a little food shopping. He loves oatmeal.

They had a camping/outdoor exhibit on the 3rd floor which was really cool. A lot of the stuff was for older kids (you could set up your own camp with ropes and tarps, pack your own camp bag with food and other supplies, and play a virtual logger game where you practice sustainable harvesting) but Callum found this little stream that you could play in. He liked playing with the boats and the balls, throwing them into the water and watching the splash.

Here is Mia, getting in on the fun at the stream exhibit too.

We were there for a good 4 hours and Callum did really well, especially since he did not nap. But guess who was snoring and slumped over in their car seat before we even left the parking garage... After a quick stop to visit Uncle Jonathan at the Volvo dealership where he works (I said to Callum, 'See? Uncle Jonathan's work is just like the children's museum, except you can't touch anything!') we finally arrived home to see Daddy.
I was telling Jared that this age is bittersweet for me. I have the best time with Callum -- he can interact with me, he gets excited about things, he talks in (almost) sentences... But at the same time he is definitely not a baby anymore. I wouldn't trade it for anything, though. I love you, Callum Stuart! Thanks for a REALLY special day!
Great blog Amanda, thanks for sharing. We took Emma there when grandmom was in the hospital and she loved it! Cheerish these times with Callum because before you know it he'll be a big kid with a social life and everything will revolve around his friends. That's what I'm dealing with now. Time flies by!
I like how he is wearing a variety of aprons...
That place looks fun, the grocery store was my favorite at the Boston Children's Museum..Jared's favorite was this place where they had wood scraps and all kinds of weird stuff, thats where we made our hot plates mom still uses.
we should take the boys together one day!!!!
What a fun blog!!! Callum looks so cute and grown up! I was thinking while looking at the Hannaford pictures and you saying that he loved the cash register and playing store, that he must take after Mee Mee because I loved that job as cashier - I had so much fun. And, he looks just like Uncle Jonathan in his apron and stocking the shelves. I wish I could have been there with you to share the wonderful day. Keep all these special times in your heart and mind because someday you'll love looking bake and remembering them!
What a fun blog! I remember those days with you and Jonathan and I cherish them as I look back. It was the best! Callum loks so cute, curious and grown up. I especially like the picture of him at the cash register, having so much fun. He takes after Mee Mee. I loved that job because I had so much fun too! He also looks like Uncle Jonathan with his apron and stocking the shelves. They look like twins - one really tall and one short. You will always remember these kinds of days when you get older and look back and you will love it and miss it. I wish Jared, Grampy and I could have been there to share the experience with you.
Hi, Nannie!
Jared, could you picture Callum saying "Marking Down the Pork Chops"!!!!!
Hey Jared, could you picture Callum yelling"Marking down the Pork Chops"!!!!!
Welcome to the club! It must be a grandparents thing!
How cute, you guys LOVED the Childrens Museum so much too.
Maybe he is going to take after Auntie KK too, her life long ambition was to just run the cash register.
And Jared, just loved going to Roxie Super Market, and he would play market and say, MAKIN DOWN THE PORK CHOPS. He also loved the checkout too, but not for the cashier but to see Luke and Laura from General Hosptial on the STAR Newpaper......
Just like I said to Jared the other day Amanda, I can't beleive these little guys are going to be 2 and 1 years old already.
Hi Mee Mee.
I can see the Play Kitchen getting set up in your house soon for Callum.
What great pics. It is such a fun place to take the kids. We did slep overs there with the girl scouts. It was amazing/
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