So, a few weeks ago now, Callum and Amanda went down to visit Andrea and Michael in Rochester, NH. I stayed home, since some of us have to work :) At any rate, Callum was ecstatic to see the Clauss-Veal's new addition: Baby chickens!! They were only like a week old or something, so they were still in their little box with the light and all the mumbo jumbo....Over the last two years, it has become pretty plain to see that Callum is a farmer boy at heart: This kid absolutely loves (toy AND real) cows, chickens, ducks, cats, dogs, and horses. Also, he loves carrying his watering can around, and he LOVES his little garden, where right now he is growing some peas--he checks on them every single day. In addition, his affinity for birds (and birdseed in particular) is mildly concerning for a kid his age; sometimes, upon waking up from a nap, he will speak in a panicked sort of manner about how he has to feed the birds, etc. Very funny. Oh, and he loves doing firewood. He has, technically, already split his first piece of wood. More on that another time....Here's Callum with the chicks.
You really need to click on each picture to blow they up. Yes, they.

One thing I really admire about my son is his respect for people, things, and animals. He understood the fragility of these chicks, and it shows here. He is gentle with babies and kittens and my know, all types of fragile things.

Paying attention as Uncle Michael explains how to clean the poop.....

I can almost hear Callum shouting: " neaks!!!"

Oh, and getting back to the title of this post--"And speaking of baby chickens"--we wanted to make it public on our blog (in case anyone still reads this) that we are indeed expecting our second child on December 6th. Amanda is doing AWFUL, in case you are wondering. Very sick. Very tired. Very dead-weight. But, I DO have her doing extra chores and workouts, so.....
Just kidding. But she is not having a good go of it thus far. But all is well, we heard a very healthy heartbeat, and we are so blessed to be expecting our second baby. Callum, too, is elated. He likes taking care of things. We are about 11 weeks along right now....
Congradulations, poor Amanda not feeling well and has to put up with Jared at the same time. God bless you Amanda!
complain complain complain
Only you can find a way to complain about a new pregnancy
oh hi, are you getting chickens or no because everyon else has chickens and you don't like to do things others do, like get cabel and watch shows from this century..
Hi Callum!
Hi Mavis Car Renal!!
Auntie KK, did they find Twon's luggage yet? Or did he have to go to his meeting in his casette tape t shirt again? HAHA
Now I will teach Callum to dislike you.
at least twon knows style, car harts went out like...oh wait, they were never in
game on.
I love this blog! The pictures are precious and Callum is so cute. I especially liked the last picture of Callum pointing to the baby chick. I know that expression that he does and the excitement he expresses at times like those. He gets so excited and I just love that about him. I'm so glad that I got him the watering can. I knew he would love it. By the way, I also think that you should be getting him a baby kitten!!!!! He loves those too!
Amanda, sweetheart, you will feel better soon, I promise! Just remember, the Fiber Frolic soon!
I think Mee Mee should get a little kitten.....and some chickens....after all, they are the ones with 8 acres:)
I hope you start feeling better soon Amanda. Hopefully by the fourth month the sickness will go away.
Jared, it looks like Callum is sucking his thumb in one of the pictures? I hope if he is, hand sanitizer or hand washing took place after touching the chicks. :)
Love the pictures of Callum! He's such a cute little boy! Love to you all! xoxo
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