Yesterday on NPR I heard a news story concerning the state of Wisconsin. Wisconsin, it appears, is the first state in the country to put a ban on team mascot names that are "racial" in origin and are "offensive" to certain groups. Come on. The school in question--the one NPR interviewed--involved a high school with the mascot of "The Indians." The school will need to change their mascot now. The big mural on the gymnasium wall (the same one that has been there for 65 years) that says "Welcome to Indian Country" will need to be redone....probably with a big painting of Obama or something. Kids have gotten in trouble at the school for wearing "war paint" on their faces on the days of big games. So, so, so silly.
But then I got to thinking that maybe the liberals are right....and maybe there are MORE team names that should be deemed offensive. Why stop with the obvious ones like the "Braves" and "Redskins?" I think all the following team names need to be changed......
YANKEES AND PATRIOTS: As my wife is part British, she takes offense to the Yankees and Patriots, because, in essence, all this is doing is hatemonging against the Brits and rubbing in the fact that they lost war over 200 years ago. I mean, you dont see "Bangor Talibans" or something...why should we honor and celebrate warmongers?
SAN DIEGO PADRES: As a Christian, I find it insulting that all priests are portrayed as Spanish origin AND are bald AND wear brown burlap robes. Plus, the Padres sucks. So does that mean all ministers suck too? What is the subliminal message?Can you imagine if there were a team called the "Philadelphia Clerics?"
MINNESOTA VIKINGS: Vikings raped, pillaged, and stole. They burned everything and killed what was left. Plus, they ate too much meat, which has led the American diet to be too high in cholesterol
MILWAUKEE BREWERS: Disrespectful against Amish and Baptists, who don't drink. Plus, it propagates the idea that beer is cool. Beer is NOT cool. It kills children. Almost 600 kids die every year from beer!
DALLAS COWBOYS: Are you kidding me? The Cowboys are called "America's team." Cowboys were drunken immoral men who were homeless settled disputes by shooting each other. Plus they cheated at cards.and stole money. So....I guess they ARE America's team.....
LA DODGERS: Glorifying all those hippy draft dodgers in the Vietnam war.....
OAKLAND RAIDERS and PITTSBURGH PIRATES: My ancestors were killed by pirates....and they still havent returned my doubloons. I find this offensive
This list is only from baseball and football.....and I think it barely scratches the surface.....
1 comment:
Cripes, Jared, I'm still laughing! Great blog!!!! Now you have me trying to think of some instead of getting dinner ready!
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