- Amanda and I are involved in the planning of Vacation Bible School at our church. Although it doesnt start til late June,, there is still a ton to do right now. Amanda is teaching an elementary class, and I somehow got cajoled into dressing up like either a "bee" (which is the theme of VBS 'zip, zap, and zoom for Jesus.....) or a clown. Or both. Or something. Someday, I swear I will do something NOT self deprecating....
- Amanda's birthday is Monday. I wonder what she will get........
- I am in full training mode for the triathlon I have coming up on June 6--it is the Bath "Y-Tri" which is the one I ran last year. I love training for triathlons--it is almost more fun than actually doing the races--but it is intense, and I am exhausted! Lots of biking and running and swimming. Yet, I still look like Grimace from McDonalds. Why?
- Term Paper Season: The culminating experience for my seniors. And 8-10 page persuasive research paper. These are a BEAR to correct...especially because I save them to be done at the end of the year (can you say "carrot?") and I have to finish them in record time so the kids can graduate. When I first started, these papers would each take me about 40 minutes to correct. Now that I am such a "consummate professional," it isnt SOOOO bad....but it is still bad.....
- As part of our church's "Board For Youth," I am undertaking the leading of our church youth group--there are lots of meetings between our Pastor and I.....
- Graduation week: There is Baccalaureate, there is class night, and there is commencement at Colby College. June 9th, baby! (It is wicked late this year!!!) For the sixth year--in as many years as I have had the honor of teaching at WHS, I have been asked to write a graduation song for the seniors. I probably should start that. But it is hard to be inspired this year.
- The conclusion of--without question--THE worst and saddest year in my professional life. Period.
Friday, May 21, 2010
TRI-ing to get things in perspective....
As is always the case this time of year, things start spiraling out of control; May and June are always tremendously busy times of year (especially being a teacher!). I like the business though, since it makes the time go by fast, and it makes it real exciting. Here is what is going on!
Glowing, I think!
Karl Andresen made us these beautiful Adirondack style chairs out of old pallets. Callum--who always prefers to be outside--enjoys sitting in the chairs eating cookies, saying hi to Bill across the street, and playing with his bubbles.....

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Hello Grimace!
Another triathlon, huh? That's awesome. And don't worry about your rotund shape. I've got another friend who does several a year and you'd never know it to look at him.
My advice: Just give everybody something between an A- and C+; don't let the preacherman touch you as often; and do a re-make of Lady Gaga (she's hip, I've been told).
When you do the triathilon do you tie a Joeseph's ham in front of your face?
Amanda looks wonderful and yes glowing!! Callum is so adorable!
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