Can you believe it? 600 volumes of Goldsmith5? Quite a milestone I think. I realize the blog has taken a backseat lately, but we would really like to change that up. We've been enjoying looking at old posts, and we would be remiss if we didnt keep this up as much as we can....if only to go back and reminisce!
This weekend coming up is Callum's "birthday weekend," as he is going to be two on Monday, and his Papa, Babs, Nannie, Upbob, Auntie and Uncle KK, and Jackson are all coming up from CT or MA to help him celebrate. Also on Saturday, we'll have Mee Mee, Ampy, Ba-Ba, Uncle Jon and Kelsey over share in the fun. Callum got a couple of "early" presents, one of which was the famous "Thomas the Train" table. Papa sent it up a few weeks ago, but only last week did we finally put it together. This kid has been on cloud 9 ever since!
(notice how volvo kitty sits in the center?)

Amanda's boss David was cleaning out his house and gave Callum a bunch of old Brio trains and pieces of track for the table, so Callum and I were quick to lay the track, set up the Brio, and put Thomas, Diesel, Duck, Toby, Caboose, Percy, and Elizabeth on the layout (we cant find Bertie the Bus anywhere!)
Now, every afternoon, our little guy asks us to "play trains." How can you say no to this guy!? By the way Favrys, Nannies, Papas, et al: Be prepared to "play trains."

The second gift he got early was a little picnic table and umbrella set so he can enjoy the lovely weather we've been having, and relax outside with his milk, goldfish, and sandwiches!

He also likes to color at his table. Here's Mumma and Amanda relaxing outside before going in to watch M*A*S*H. Did I mention that is Callum's new favorite show? I am totally serious.

The other day Ba-Ba came over to pick up some cat-urine infused old carpet I tore up from Thomas's old room (long story....) and Callum was quick to enlist his great grampy to "play trains." Taking this picture was all Callum's idea, which makes this even funnier!

In other news, last night was Winslow High School's 108th commencement, and I was there on stage, for the 6th year in a row, performing an original song for the class of 2010. It is an honor and privilege each and every year, and my only prayer is that I am around to be able to do it for another 20 years. By that time I should be halfway to retirement age....
Happy 600th anniversary, Smalls! I love the picture of Callum at his 'nic nic' table.
Great Grampy is looking good! Great pic of him and Callum.
Love the pictures! Can't believe Callum is 2 tomorrow!
don't touch the tracks!
Callum is so cute and smart as a whip. It is so much fun watching him do his stick, just like his dad. He looks just like his beautifull mom with his strawbery blonde hair.
I just love that kid!!! Great picture of Callum and grandpop!
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