Hi everyone. Amanda here. Last Saturday Mom and I went to the Fiber Frolic which is held at the Windsor Fairgrounds in the beginning of June each year. This is something we look forward to all year long. It's our girls day out -- no guys, no kids -- just us and animals and fiber and good fair food. Oh, and friends that we only get to see during fiber festivities. This year was kind of up in the air as far as the weather was concerned. Talking to Mom in the morning I read her the weather forecast. It said to expect heavy winds and damaging hail in the afternoon. Great. We had pretty much decided not to go, but then Mom called me back and said, 'We're going'. That was that. And we're glad we did. It actually turned out to be a pretty nice day weather wise. And it didn't rain a drop while we were there!
The above picture is of the food area. And below is our lunch.

I got a falafel and mom got a sausage with onions and green peppers. We shared the fries and each had a cup of fresh squeezed lemonade. I hadn't had falafel since graduating from UNH so I was pretty happy. Trivia questions: What was the name of the little place that sold falafel in Durham, NH? AND, where was it first located?
Here is a picture of Mom and I before we ate lunch. Aren't we cute?

This little guy was REALLY into his hay. He kept shoving his head into the hay bale and then he would get all this hay stuck on his face. It was so cute watching him try to get the hay off his face. He would toss his head from side to side trying to shake it off, then he would eventually give up and go in for some more hay.

Here are some of the vendors in one of the barns. I love it -- yarn far as the eye can see. I was really good this year and only bought three skeins. Don't ask me what they're for. Actually, you can. They're all for socks. Don't say ONE WORD, Daddy Henry!!!
There were a lot of vendors this year. In fact, Mom and I closed the place down. This is the first year that we stayed right up until closing time at 4 pm! We had the best time. Thanks, Mom! I love spending the day with you!

Oh, Hi Callum!
Great blog smalls! And I know the answer to your trivia question: The falafel place was called "Aladdin's Pockets" and it was run by two Jordanian immigrants who were staunch Republicans. Great guys. It was located in a laundermat, even!! Then, the two guys moved next to Libby's bar and grill, and everything went down hill. The falafels got smaller. Before, I used to go get a "turbo," which was a combo of chicken, beef, and falafel....and I couldnt even finish they.
Well I hope you feel better then!!!
(wah wah)
Hi Amanda,
I love your blog. It was so much fun, wasn't it? I really love spending that day or any day with you. We could just buy and buy, couldn't we? And just being around all that fiber and animals, makes me want to have animals and spin even more! Maybe some day! I can't wait for next years frolic! That little goat was so funny and cute. A perfect picture.
Callum is so adorable. I can't wait to see him tomorrow and play trains!
One word
Great blog Amanda! I can't believe how big Callum is getting, he really is starting to look grown up. Glad you and Aunt Lynne had a great time. I would love to attend, we don't have anything like that around here, at least as far as I know. Hope your feeling better! Love and miss you!
What is a falafel? Never had one and never heard of one, but it sure did look good!
In New Jersey they have "landfill frolics" dont they?
Lynne, what are you waiting for???!! I think you should get a goat or a sheep now!! Are you concerned because you only have like 8 acres.......
(wah wah)
Hey, Michelle! Falafel is a middle eastern food made of ground chick peas and spices, rolled into little patties and fried. Then you put them in a pita or a wrap with vegetables and hummus and some other sauces like yogurt or whatever... They're REALLY good. Maybe we can make them when we come down in August!
Do they still have the Farm Fair?
I would love to make falafels when you visit this summer.
The Farm Fair is still here, usually during the month of July. The last 2 years I have worked at the Republican Party booth. I usually take Emma, she love's it and it's always fun. Too bad you guys wont be here for it.
Are you feeling better? Hope so.
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