I am a bit behind on the blogs yes, yes? I have been away out in the great White Mountains on a hiking trip, but now I am back and I am ready to get back on track. It is summer vacation and I have no excuse for not keeping up this blog.
Last weekend was Callum's second birthday party, and he had all his family up and over to celebrate! It was quite a busy time, as Dad, Babs, and the Favrys came Friday, Saturday was the party, Nannie and Upbob came on Sunday, and then on Monday I had my last day of school and left immediately for Franconia. Quite a whirlwind. But I'll--for the most part--just let the pictures do the talking.....
Amanda stops amid her busy day to get a big wet Jewish kiss from Papa........

Uncle Shon (as Callum pronounces it), Kelsey, and 'Ampy sit and enjoy some beer and burgers. Papa and I basically raided Joseph's on Saturday morning, getting burgers, hot dogs, homemade sausages, cole slaw, potato salad, and marinated muppet to enjoy for the food festivities.....

Amanda and I got Callum his first bike for a present! Dave, our friend at Mathieu's cycle in Oakland, found this great Trek kids bike for Callum. And, even though the Goldsmiths having a Trek bike in our garage is akin to having a Yankees hat on our coat rack (we are a Specialized family!) it is still an awesome bike and Callum can totally reach the pedals. Good times are ahead for sure!

Nannie and Upbob came up on Sunday for a visit. Nannie is obviously nervous about something Callum is doing below. I cant remember what was going on. But Amanda, I think, finds it funny!

Mee-Mee and 'Ampy came by to enjoy some of Sunday with us. Here, we are having cake and ice cream, but we spent most of the day outside while Callum entertained us with his new sandbox/water activity table!! He likes to do activities.

I got to enjoy seeing my little nephew Jackson, who likes me the best out of anyone in the world, obviously. The boys have fun seeing each other, and they played trains, ran around the yard, sat at the picnic table and drank juice, etc etc. ...

Perhaps the greatest (or worst) trait Callum inherits from me is his hammish personality. He is into making faces, doing impressions, and making funny noises. He LOVES to laugh and be crazy. Amanda told him before taking this picture: "Callum do your funny face!" Here is one of them....

Amanda is an awesome baker and (seriously) a professional cake decorator--she used to do this as a summer job at Hanaford. She made a choo-choo cake for Callum this year. I think it came out great!!

Mommy and the birthday boy enjoying his cake....

Uncle and Auntie KK got Callum a toy BBQ grill for his birthday. Now Callum always wants to cook dinner. But they also got him the apron and chefs hat that go with the BBQ. Callum enjoys wearing this apron around most of the time now....
Happy Birthday Callum!!!!!!
I need a haircut. Badly.
It was a fun party and I'm glad that everyone could make it!
How could you not love those two little pumpkins? Just look at those faces!!!!!
How could you not love those two little pumpkins? Just look at those faces!!!!!
um so I noticed there are no pictures of me...hmmmm
nice cake amanda, but it wasn't the only thing you had to work on for the weekend you know....
i want callum to cook me a hot dog please!
Funny Auntie....who saw that coming that you would mention the cake thing. I should have made a bet with Dad on how many minutes after the blog it would take you to comment on that. Hardy har har. Now go make some snack
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