Happy Fourth of July. Am I being a total jerk when I say how I dont understand why people "thank all those who made July 4th possible" in places like their facebook statuses, etc? July 4th has nothing to do with the military and it has nothing to do with veterans. Dont get me wrong....I am grateful for all those who have served, and we honor them on Memorial day and Veterans day. But the fourth of July is just a day when a bunch of rich, slave-owning white guys decided they didnt want to be part of England anymore. BECAUSE of them, a war started (that they didnt fight in). But the fourth of July has nothing to do with today's military. So all the people who made the fourth of July possible are long gone, dead a couple hundred years now. So, like I said--am I being a total jerk when I say this?
Anyway, we had a nice day, starting with church in the morning, and then breakfast at the Flatlanda' diner afterwards. We were toying with the parade in Winslow, but it was just way too hot to stand in the sun for a couple hours. So we came home after breakfast and hung out with mee mee and 'ampy and watched Little Einsteins, played Memory, and ate snacks. Dinner, as you can see from the pictures, was excellent. George made Wisconsin style bratwurst, and I made some marinated steak tits. Amanda and Lynne made delicious deviled eggs and some salads to go along with dinner.
Callum, like me, does not do well with the heat. I think, in fact, that he hates it. I know I do. I cannot WAIT for December. Why anyone would enjoy this type of weather is beyond me. Unless you own a beach house or something.
If it wasn't for those slave owning rich guys you'd be kissing Queen
Elizabeth's rear end.
Ba Ba is funny!
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