Forget about a Goldsmith household filibuster, because we are having a little girl! Amanda will finally have an ally in the house. We went on Wednesday this past week to have our ultrasound done in POrtland. I will post some pictures of this afterwards. I dont feel like getting up to take a picture of a picture right now. Too humid. But the baby was very cooperative, and we got to see everything--ten fingers, ten toes, spinal cord, ribs, even a tongue sticking out at us! Amazing to say the least.
The one thing the doctors noticed on review of the ultrasound was a brightly colored papillary (I think that is how it is spelled) valve in the baby's heart. This was not a "concern," necessarily, but something they needed to mention in the ultrasound report. When one of these papillaries shows up brightly colored in an ultrsound, it can be--when combined with SEVERAL other factors that the baby DID NOT HAVE--a strong evidence of the baby being born with Down's Syndrome. Other factors would be extra skin around the neck, enlarged head, shortened femur bones, and MANY others. Baby G2 was completely normal and healthy in all these respects. Thus, the chances of her being born with Down's is about 1 in 3000 the doctor said. They see this often and it is usually nothing to worry about. But--as those of you who know me can probably guess--I will be thinking about this until December.
But we're having a girl!! What a blessing! This is going to be very strange for me. I am so excited in every respect EXCEPT the clothes. Let me go on record right now (and I am sorry little girl): I hate baby/little girl clothes. Tacky and stupid. And overdemonstrative. Too much. Its like eating chocolate cake with double chocolate frosting with Tyra Banks--its too sticky sweet and phony. Little boys clothes are much more subtle--a little truck perhaps, or some planes or balls. That I can handle.
Names? We're thinking of several. I think the top three would be (in no particular order) Maggie, Maevis, and Charlotte. We also like Margaret. Most people will probably dislike the name choices, as they did for "Callum." But they'll come around--like they did for Callum. Or we were thinking about Rosine. Or not.
Callum is excited to have a little sister, and now when he puts his hands or his head on Amanda's belly, he talks about how this is "my sister." Very sweet. And I think Callum will be the best big brother ever. A kind, loving, gentle big brother. Who will hopefully kick the ass of any dink who tries to hurt her....
I love the names! Charlotte would have my first choice for you guys - Callum and Charlotte (beautiful!) - and I love the name Maggie, too. Congratulations! :)
I'm digging the Brain Peppers quartet. I saw them on tour. Mark Gormley opened for them. I quite like the name Charlotte. However, Ophelia is also a good choice in my opinion. Callum, hopefully, will grow to be around 6' and weigh a good 230 lbs of muscle. (Remember who predicted it when it happens).
Very funny,
I do read this blog but sometimes i have nothing to say
i like looking at photos of my grandson though.
now on that photo of me and Joanne that was taken the day that Jared and Amanda told us they were expecting their first child.
kind of looks like Nanna Courtney doesn't it. It was Oct of 2007.
oh how we remember it well.
We are all excited about the baby being a girl. Maybe it will wear all pink nad purple like her auntie kk. I hope it looks like her beautifull mom Amanda.
It's a girl! Jared, your biggest job as a father is to keep the kid off the pole, or in the case of Maine, out of the donut shops. Congrats!
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