I guess which is my way of saying "what is new" with everyone.....meaning, how is everyone using their "downtime" lately. What are you watching? Reading? Doing that is new? I usually never have any real goals in the summer (except finish the wood in a timely fashion. Which I did. Today). I am not one to have a stack of books I know I have to read or ten recipes I definitely want to try. I usually dont even make any real hard and fast fitness/bike/running goals for myself. I'm not lazy...I just hate letting myself down. Here are some things I am doing that I would recommend:
READING: THE ROAD by Cormac McCarthy. It is as much a novel about being a father as it is about human destruction, evil and corruption, Armageddon, and nuclear fallout. It is a gut-wrenching book to read, but I feel like it is important. I know it is good because I dream about it at night and how it might affect my own life. Very. Disturbing. Dreams.
READING: "Bicycling" magazine like it is going out of style. Mostly for the Tour de France coverage. But I also like reading about everyday people who just love bikes and try to integrate them into each daily facet. It isnt a GOAL, but I am definitely trying to take less car trips this summer. In addition to my regular road bike rides, I am trying to do more errands on my "Green Bean" (Acadia Cruiser hybrid), and I take and pick up CS from daycare when he goes once per week. Plus, the tour stuff is awesome.
WATCHING: "Midsomer Murders" is a fantastic show. I dont know if you can believe it, but it is a BBC program,, which stopped airing some years ago (in the late 90s). Two CID detectives who live in Midsomer village, England. There are always these shady layabouts going on in the town, and they have impressive plot twists and surprise endings. Slowly becoming one of our favorite Netflix offerings.
WATCHING: Le Tour de France. Except not. We dont have cable. Too bad. I'd love to watch the tour, and next year we are going to buy the special package they offer to JUST see the tour on line (we'll plug the mac into the tv). I considered going into a bar and asking if they would put the Tour on the TV....but I dont like getting my ass kicked by people who watch real sports.
DOING: More canoeing. Lots of it. I have perfected (or, rather, developed the confidence) to load, unload, and portage our canoe all by myself. Plus, this way Amanda doesnt have to carry it (since she is VERY pregnant!). Our canoe weighs about 65 pounds. It isnt that it is heavy...it is just really awkward. But I carry it on my back using the yolk. This way I can go canoeing by myself (which I have) and do some fishing. Also, I can take Callum out whenever I want. He loves the canoe, and asks to go paddling often. He sits in his little seat in the center of the boat. He really seems to "respect" the canoe--maybe he fears it too--and he sits and is a good boy.
DRINKING: Michelob Ultra has officially become my summer beer. I dont know if you ever read this, but thanks Brad.
RACING: (well, "entering" races): I did a 5K last week, and I am toying with the notion of doing the Lobster Ride and Roll in Rockland in a couple of weeks. You pay money which is a fund raiser for the Bicycle Coalition of Maine, and you do a 50 miler along the coast. Then, at the end, you get a nice pair of cycling socks AND a lobster roll lunch.
Would love to hear from people as to what is new....
Well, I guess nobody that reads this blog has anything new going on. As for me:
reading lots of mysteries (my new favorite author is Christopher Fowler and the Peculiar Crimes Unit (intriguing and funny)) and early American History on making of U.S., bios of founding fathers and constitution.
getting used to having George around ALL the time and trying to work around him.
starting a new job at Yardgoods Center which is so much fun.
trying to plan a vacation for all of us to be together.
seeing family, especially Callum as much as humanly possible.
as many other things as possible.
How"s that for what's new? The only problem with this list, is that you already know all of this because I talk to you or Amanda almost everyday!!!! Oh, I almost forgot - watching Glen Beck's Founding
Fathers and Fridays series every
Friday afternoon!!!!!
Re-arranging my socks drawer.
Let's see...
Trying to stay comfortable while riding my bike. Dave helped me with that.
Enjoying how Callum's speech gets better every day!
Watching Jared do really well with his new diet and he's looking really good!
Singing with Callum - he loves singing his ABCs.
Trying to finish my book - I've been reading it for a couple of months now!
Just enjoying the extra time with my family this summer since I'm working part time.
Here's a couple summer reading recommendations: "War Journal" by Richard Engel. He's a Mid-East correspondent for NBC and lived the first 5 years of the Iraq war. Absolutely riveting and much more helpful in understanding the cultures/histories/conflicts than I expected it to be. Very Good.
Also check out "Born to Run" by Christopher McDougall. I read it for the second time a few weeks ago. It will change the way you think about your body and our overall lifestyle. Extremely entertaining, too!
Am now reading "Nickel and Dimed" by Barbara Ehrenreich. It's a pseudo-journalistic attempt by one woman to live on minimum wage in 1997-98. It's not dry by any stretch, but it's not exactly eye-opening either. I mean, most of us have and/or do live this way.
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