YES! The Bruins are in the Stanley cup.....this is amazing...I am watching Game 2 right now...they are tied with the Canucks at 2-2....I have loved the Bruins since I was a little kid, when I used to watch them on Channel 38 on my little black and white tv in my room....living outside of Boston, it was impossible NOT to love hockey...even though it is not the NHL, I have such fond memories of watching college hockey--BU, Harvard, BC, Northeastern....the Beanpot Tournament was something I looked forward to each year....and my favorite Bruin of ALL TIME is Cam Neeley. His pyarents were treated at New England Medical Ctr (where I treated for my lymphoma) and he did a lot of charity for the hospital....I used to get his 'season tickets' and Bob and I would go to the games at the Fleet Center...GO BRUINS!
Callum LOVES puzzles, and he is amazingly talented at them--even for an almost three year old...he does them ALL by himself...and he gets these amazingly focused looks on his face...he loves fixing things, using tools, solving problems, and stuff like that....

See the focus?

For my birthday, Amanda surprised me by inviting our friends Ben and Betsey--and their kids Polly and Brownlow over for tacos! It was great fun, and Callum and Polly are great friends....and, as you can see, Maira and Brownlow really seem to enjoy each other's company....

Ben made a tasty rhubarb crisp cake for dessert. Happy Birthday to me. I am 33 now!
Nice fillings.
How. Dare. You.
nice breast pump.....
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