We love you so much, buddy! As I write this, Callum is upstairs, asleep, trying to get over this awful bug that has plagued him since this past Sunday; we took a ride up to MDI to stay overnight at Seawall, and on Sunday night, en route to Bar Harbor for some dinner, he threw up profusely all. Over. The. Car. He proceeded that evening (and the next morning) to throw up NINE more times. Poor little guy. Not much of a vacation or birthday celebration, huh? Now he is done throwing up, but has severe diarrhea and extreme exhaustion and languidness. Even today, on his real birthday, he refused offers to a) go for ice cream b) go out for supper at Governor's c) go to McDonalds. He just wanted to go to bed. So he did. Get well buddy!
But his part on Saturday was a lot of fun. Nannie, Upbob, Poppy, Grammy Goldsmith, Auntie KK, Uncle Anthony, and Jackson made their way up from Mass and CT. We had a cookout with bbq chicken, hot dogs, Chinese sausages, orzo salad, fruit salad, deviled eggs, and tons more stuff! Here's Amanda helping Callum blow out the candles on his "digger cake." This was a DIGGER PARTY--by the way....
What Ortiz said!
What Ortiz and MeeMee said!
What Ortiz, MeeMee and billy bob said!
Callum, I can't believe you are 3 already! I love you so much!
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