Oh yeah...rock and roll....these Koss headphones were my dad's. He gave em to me a long time ago. Now Callum wears them around the house and pretends he is in the studio (Hucklebuck, 1999) mixing it up. And playing keyboard and guitar.
Monday, June 27, 2011
New houseguests....
I was yawning. And Maira was smiling. Yup. That is usually how it goes.....
Callum is HARRRD into Rock and Roll. He loves it. And he doesnt merely love "music," but, rather, ROCK AND ROLL. Today, at Vacation Bible School, for example, he stood with Amanda and I at the front of the church (Amanda and I are the music directors at VBS) and played "guitar" and tapped his feet to the song we closed with. He is really coming out of his shyness. FOR SURE! I mean, he went up in front of all the kids and adults at church and played guitar for like ten minutes. And his vocabulary is expanding like crazy. He uses modifiers like "actually" (Do you want milk to drink Callum? NO, ACTUALLY, I WANT JUICE), "definitely" (I DEFINITELY DO NOT WANT TO TAKE A BATH), and, most impressive to me, "especially." We love Special K cereal with chocolate bits in it. He says "I love cereal; I especially like the chocolate kind." Our kids continue to impress me each and every day.
Oh yeah...rock and roll....these Koss headphones were my dad's. He gave em to me a long time ago. Now Callum wears them around the house and pretends he is in the studio (Hucklebuck, 1999) mixing it up. And playing keyboard and guitar.
Our new houseguests--you will hear more about this lovely lady. I have been in the process of playing "musical wood" where I take wood from the outside and put it in the lean-to wood shed in the byack of the garage. I had just stacked wood two days before...and when I went out, I noticed a beautiful mommy dove, sitting on the nest she had made, warming a single white egg (I noticed the egg after I inadvertently scared her away)....

Here's the egg. And, when I went out just yesterday, I noticed that there were TWO eggs in there! Two little baby birds. Callum is super duper excited, and he is also very respectful of the whole process: He knows he cannot (and should not) touch neither the eggs nor the nest. We did, however, make a deal that when the baby birds were born and had grown up and left for college that he could keep the nest and put it in his room. This was a consolation offer after he asked the following: "Daddy...maybe when the baby birds are born I can put my arm around them and cuddle with them in my bed?" Sorry little man. But he is wicked excited to watch the whole process, and each day we go out to see the mommy bird and the eggs. And he talks to the mom in a light whisper, as not to scare her.
Oh yeah...rock and roll....these Koss headphones were my dad's. He gave em to me a long time ago. Now Callum wears them around the house and pretends he is in the studio (Hucklebuck, 1999) mixing it up. And playing keyboard and guitar.
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Yah a photo of Maira Elzabeth smiling, looks like Callum in a pink outfit...shes getting so big so fast
I bet Papa Goldsmith never thought he would see his grandson wearing those "head phones". He carried a huge "boom box" with those pluged in and on his ears, (only kidding), but he did wear them just like Callum.
Anyway, love to see these photos of my little kiddies......
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