Friday, July 1, 2011
Maira Beth
First, another picture from last Sunday's half marathon. RIGHT after I finished, Callum was SO pumped to run with me....he was all excited by all the runners crossing the finish line. So, although I was marinating in gatorade and Cliff Shot blocks, we "ran" over to the snack table to have some grapes and water and cookies. Look at this kid's stride; I think that speaks volume about his passion and excitement!!
Our little baby girl had her first BIG milestone today: A tooth!!!! Yeay Maira. It sure has been a long time coming....she has been very unhyappy for some time now! In addition to a new bottom tooth, Maira is also getting VERY skilled at sitting up alone. And, just recently, she has started making all kinds of consonant laden sounds (da da da, ya ya ya, ba ba ba, etc). This is the first step towards making words, even. Look at that smile!
A sure fire way to get a smile or laugh is to kiss her RIGHT in that rolly (and often wet with drool) fat under her chin and on her neck. That is our thing.....ALSO, I posted this picture because (as I am sure Poppy and Nannie will agree) this looks JUST like baby pictures of I right guys?
She is VERY ready to crawl. But look at her left hand. Why does she always do this? She folds it under, and when you try to "correct" it, she just falls on her chest. A Physical Therapist Amanda knows from a baby group checked out Maira. I guess Maira is double jointed there or something. Cool. I hope it doesnt keep her from crawling and getting into the Air Force Academy (Callum is already going to the Naval one)
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Oh my goodness, Maira is so beautiful!!!! She is smiling so much more now and starting to get a real personality. Love the tooth! It kind of just slipped right in there, didn't it? I hope the rest of them don't give her too much of a problem.
As for Callum, what can I say. He is taking right after his daddy! I love the arm movements when he runs and his look is so serious. Cute!!!
I don't know Jared I think these are you, remember how you loved wearing purple as a kid,
What a difference two weeks make she looks so different from when we saw her and looks like she is ready to start getting into some trouble here, Get ready cause here comes Ms. Maira!,,
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