First, our very own little dove, Ms Maira.
Look at that fat little neck. She is so ticklish there; that is where I go every time! Her laugh is so rare, yet so precious.....
Callum would always laugh at everything...Maira is so different. A very very happy little girl, but not as demonstrative. Like a typical woman, you have to work extra hard to get a reaction out of her....

We've been checking in on our mumma bird and her two eggs, and last week Amanda hurried me outside because it appeared one of the eggs had fallen out of the nest. I went out to check, and indeed a piece of egg had fallen out...because the eggs had hatched and the mom removed the egg to make room for the babies! Here she is on the day the eggs hatched. You can make out a little fuzz of one of them right below the bottom of her breast....

It is really neat for Callum to see all this bird stuff happening. Each afternoon we go out to check on them to make sure they are okay...he is learning a lot about birds, eggs, nests, how NOT to touch any of it, etc. He's a compassionate little guy and wants to make sure the babies and mumma are okay. You can click on these pics to blow up the that and you can see the two little fuzzy guys....

This bottom one I took two days ago. It is AMAZING how fast these birds grow! I have never seen any living thing grow like these two doves! Seriously.

Interestingly enough, we didnt name the two birds--mostly because, given the chance, Callum will name EVERYTHING 'Thomas.' But we feel like we are part of their whole experience thus far. And they really have gotten huge. This afternoon we went out to check on them, and we are starting to notice the mom taking off (no pun intended) more often...whether she is getting food, etc. But the babies are getting a little more courageous (coming out of the small nest, sitting on the firewood, etc) and fearful (they didnt mind me before, but now they ruffle their plumage at me and come at me like they are gonna peck me or something if I go near them). There is a layer of bird crap about a half inch deep all over my rock maple and birch. But that is okay I guess.
I wonder how long they will stick around....and I wonder where they will go....?? Do they keep in touch with their mom??? Each other? Will they just abandon the nest one day? Is that where "empty nest" expressions come from? It will be sad when they go...although I DO need to stack the rest of our firewood!
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