I made a mistake when I uploaded the pics...so they appear out of order, and this one with Maira and Upbob showed up first. Most kids (and animals) seem to really like Upbob. A strange mystery of nature...haha.

This will be part I: The visit with Nannie and Upbob. I will do the visit with Poppy and Grammy Goldsmith tomorrow. A good time had by all. We were going down to visit, and also to attend a meet and greet for my cousin Kelly's new baby, Adriella. None of the folks on the Bolger side of the family had met Maira yet, so we thought it would be a great opportunity for people to see that she really does exist.
Nannie and Callum made some chocolate chip pancakes together. Mostly, Callum carried around a bag of animal crackers that he stole from Nannie. They are in his closet now at home.

Nannie and Upbob both got good time with Maira. Maira was a good sport with the long ride--she doesnt travel far as well as her brother did (and does) but it was VERY hot and she did great. She worked on her crawling, and took a good nap on Sunday (which began on the shoulder of Nannie). Callum loves sleeping at my mom's because he gets to sleep with Amanda and I in the sofa foldout bed. He thinks it is a special occasion.

At Aunt Carol's, we were really excited for Maira to meet Nana B--Bob's mother. We love Nana B and dont get to see her that often, so it was a real treat for Maira to get to be held by her! When I see pictures of Maira from "afar," I realize just how big Maira is! Wow!!

Annnnddd....I did the same picture twice. Okay.

Callum was his typical "shy" self at Aunt Carol's, but he did enjoy playing some baseball with my cousin Kevin (Kelly's sister). I cant believe it: I remember when Kevin was born and I used to hold him (and drop him occasionally.....). Now he is playing with MY kids. I am getting old. But Kevin has always been great with little kids, and Callum was no exception. He had fun!!

Our visits to Mass are always too fast. But I guess that is life travelling with little kids, right? We were sorry to miss seeing the Favry family so Callum could play with Jackson. And we couldnt end up meeting the Hopper-Ponticellis for breakfast either, which kind of stunk. We wanted to get AJ, JJ, CS, and ME together for bacon. Oh well. There is always next time!
Great time enjoyed seeing my kiddies. Had a good time with them both.
Nannie needs some new PJ's thats for sure.
Jared I think Kevin is kelly's brother and as far as dropping Kevin it was more like you through him cuz he spit up.Ahhh memories
BTW we loved seeing you guys and getting to meet Maira. It was a double meet and greet.
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