Well, if you are Maira, then you take a nap in your air conditioned room from 830 until almost noon.
And if you are Callum??? Well....
You put your mom's breast pump bottle cooler on your head, mittens on your hands, and dance around to the "Spud" song from Bob the Builder.....

You go out at 9:24 in the morning because you want to have a campfire and roast marsmallows.... (when I built the fire and he ate his one and only marshmallow--raw and untoasted--he said, with a sweaty brow, 'daddy, this fire makes it even hotter out.....'

....you check on the baby birds, who seriously grow faster than ANY living thing I've ever seen (I know I am repeating myself....). Also, by the way, when Amanda and I went out back at about 730 tonight, the birds were gone. The mom and the two babies. Gone. I just went out again (at about quarter past 10) and they were still gone....

....and, because it isnt hot enough out yet, you do 'instruction (Callumish for CONSTRUCTION) in the big dirt pile where firewood used to be and where your dad is trying to re-grow some grass....but hey....details, right? Ever since Callum has been hardcore into Bob the Builder, his imagination is really soaring, and he does a lot of "work" with his diggers and shovels and stuff. He narrates all of it, constantly quoting from the show while he works. It is hilarious.

Note the ultra-cool and breathable rubber boots in the picture above....he HAD to wear them...

Did I mention all of these things were done before ten this morning? What a day in the life of Callum Stuart....
"This fire makes it even hotter out" is the quote of the century
Can I tell you how cute and terrific
Callum is? What an imagination! Oh to be Callum's age where nothing in the world, even 90+ heat, doesn't bother you!
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