Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween 2010 (Part II)

Amanda made some awesome Halloween snacks for today....first up were "deviled" eggs with eyeballs and creepy mouths made of pimentos....
Amanda made Callum a homemade chicken costume.....Callum has literally been petrified of it for the past two weeks. I had felt really bad, since Amanda and her mom worked on this thing for like four hours, collectively. He finally put it on tonight, and the only thing we had to do to make him wear it was let him wear it over his jacket. That's it. His friend Polly, from church, came by with her mom and dad Betsey and Ben. Polly and Callum and great friends, and they always enjoy being together....

Dave and Muriel came by to share the evening with us. It was awesome that they came, and they too dressed for the occasion. They finally got to meet Lynne and George; Lynne and George had, up until now, heard so many great things about the Houston-Fishes. Now they got to see for themselves. Fantastic people.
And hanging out with Uncle Jon and Aunt Kelsey....Callum and Uncle Jon have a new "chair" game they play, where Jon basically throws Callum into his chair from 20 yards away. Callum seems to love this.


cc said...

I am so glad he wore the costume. H e looked adorable. Greatm job Amanda.

Mee Mee said...

It was a great day and we had such a good time!!!! It was nice to meet all of your friends that we've heard so much about. I'm so happy that Callum finally decided to put on his costume. He looked so cute and I think he had fun once he realized the costume wouldn't make him feel any different. All the food was delicious. Amanda., you did a great job on the costume and the food!! Thanks guys for a fun day!