Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Match this text up with the pics I posted this morning....fill in the blanks...yada yada...

Maira rolled over! This was a huge milestone for her--and about the only happy thing to report about the little girl--since she is most definitely teething and is MIS.ER.A.BLE lately....drooly face, red puffy cheeks, constant crying, etc. I hope she gets over all this crying stuff before she is an adolescent. Ha. But it was this past Saturday: Maira and I were hanging out in the living room while Amanda and Callum were outside, and she just did it...she got a kick out of herself!

Today is a "red letter" day in the annals of American history: Osama Bin Laden was killed by the Navy SEALS last night in a small hamlet of Pakistan. I wanted to include this in today's post since, someday, I hope to look back on all of these blog entries as sort of a "chronology" of sorts. After all--this IS the Complete Works of Goldsmith. Even.

These pictures were taken last week, but I havent been posting a lot. I concede that the kids have me utterly exhausted lately--Maira is an unhappy little chick who always needs to be held lately because of her teeth...and then, on the other hand, you have Mister Scabolious who canno be outside ENOUGH, and constantly wants you to play baseball, ride bikes, play frisbee, run, chalk, drink beer, funnel, and more. Add to that all the WORK that spring in Maine necessitates on the part of the house and the yard, and it certainly a very frustrating situation. It is VERY hard to get any landscaping/repairs/firewood/painting stuff done. I find myself going out at 730 or 830 just to work outside. Oh well.

Look at this kid's love for baseball! I took him to a Winslow game last week, and he LOVED it. He sat right down on the grass next to the bleachers, took out his bag of strawberries his mommy packed him, ate the strawberries, watched the game, and just loved life--he clapped and said GOOD JOB after just about everything that happened!

This is a T-ball set BaBa got Callum for Easter. We got Jackson one for his birthday--it is still in the back of our car, since we thought we were going to see him in Mass a few weeks ago.

The boots are essential....

Eager to learn.....although I dont know if I am the best one to teach him; I was never much of a hitter. I was more of a pitcher. That was my forte. Recently, I struck Ponticelli out in wiffleball. Even.

One thing I will say: The kid keeps his eye on the ball, huh? I bet Papa wishes I did the same when I was a boy....
I'm freakin' exhausted. The end.


Mee Mee said...

Alright. Where are all the comments to these adorable blogs? Just asking.

jared said...

well my dad must be on vacation. my mom is nursing bob back to health. and the new jerseys are too busy going on vacation and drinking margaritas