1. I am thinking of a new blog or web site I could launch and really make some money..."Things a man should never say.com" It would work. Here are some real observations I have made lately, teaching at a public high school:
-my cat did the cutest thing yesterday
-I think Josh Groban did a cover of this song
-I am so pissed I can't stream JERSEY SHORE on Hulu yet
-do you have any lotion?
-I love my bedroom because my dust ruffle matches my comforter
-I want John Mayer to hold me ever so gently (that one is from me)
I really do keep a small notebook of these. My class finds them hilarious. Do you? More to come....
2. On the same sort of vein, a random observation I have made about Callum is that the kid loves theater: Dance, ballet, drama, and FIGURE SKATING. Last Sunday, he preferred watching Brian Boitano's holiday skate show on NBC instead of the Patriots make the Eagles their beee-ot-chizzes.....I am totally okay with this (as I mentioned on FB). I now show CS some youtube videos of figure skating each night. Kid is transfixed. Love it!
3. For years and years, the benchmark of proper etiquette was putting the toilet seat down in the bathroom when you are finished. The 2011 version of this is (or soon will be) taking your K-Cup out of the "brewer capsule" when finished. Most people know I dislike K-cups intensely, for I believe they truly epitomize what is inherently AMERICAN--fast, convenient, pollutive (sp?), and completely devoid of aesthetics (sound, smell, etc). However, is it impolite to 'leave' your k-cup in there when you are done? I find that when I DO use a Keurig, I always find someone else's K Cup in there. It doesnt bother me at all to throw them away....but I can see some dumb liberal suddenly making a big fuss about how they have to throw someone else's cup away. Pay attention....this will become a bigger deal
4. I really hate when people chastise me for not getting the flu shot. It is ironic that the same dumb liberals who make such a big deal about "keep your laws off my body" with the whole abortion thing are the same ones who usually want to get all over my body about peeing their pants about me not getting a flu shot. At least three people this year have been genuinely offended that I havent gotten the shot and participated in what I call "a government conspiracy." This usually pisses them off, even though I say it jokingly. But when we really do get into the heart of the discussion, I ask them quite plainly: "Do you exercise five days per week at least?" Obviously they say no cuz they are too lazy to go outside. "What does that have to do with anything?" they ask me. Well, as I tell them, they are offended that I dont get the shot, and I put them at a greater risk for getting sick. THey never understand the connection I am trying to make about exercise and staying healthy, but that is just because they are too obtusely liberal....
The flu is a fad. Like Amish house stars, P90X, and Eskimos....
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